My Family

My Family

Monday, December 6, 2010

Cameryn VS. Jaidyn

I can't even believe almost 5 months have gone by since we had the girls, it went by so fast! At first I thought I was never going to get any sleep since we had Morgan during the day and couldn't really nap when the girls napped. But I have to say that we are blessed with babies that like their sleep and they have been sleeping 11-12 hours through the night for about a month in a half, it makes it so much easier to get through the day when they do that!

As far as the girls go, they couldn't be any different. It is amazing to see their personality's starting to show and really how different they are.
Cameryn--she is our happy baby. If she is hungry or needs a new diaper all she does is smile and giggle at you when your getting ready to help her. It makes me smile every time. She giggles already especially when you kiss her cheeks, she loves it! She is also our eater, she eats 8 ozs at a time and up to 5 bottles a day, along with rice cereal. She is also our chunky baby and holds herself like a sack of potatoes when you hold her. She can hold her head up and is really strong and is really close to rolling over to her belly already. She is so easy that I would take 10 of her any day!
Jaidyn--oh Jaidyn she is our fussy baby. LOVES to be held all the time and has been known to have random crying fits. Our baby swing has come in handy with her, Morgan never liked the swing and Cameryn is happy with her bouncy seat. Although she is happy about 90% of the time and does smile at you a lot when you are giving her attention. Half the time her grin is a mischievous smile that makes me wonder what she is thinking. She does not giggle yet but she is a "talker" she is constantly cooing and making bubbles which Cameryn doesn't do. She is our picky eater as well, only eating 6 ozs at a time and spits up almost every time. She has eaten rice cereal but tends to gag on it so I have been taking that slow with her. She is getting better with her neck muscles but not as good as Cameryn however she has really strong leg muscles and when she is on the floor she "scoots" around in circles. We were told from our Dr. that there is a chance she has cerebral palsy and that is why her upper leg muscles are so strong. I want the best for her so if we have to go into physical therapy then that is what we are going to do!!!

They both LOVE bath time and riding in the car. They also love to stare at each other when I put them together. It actually looks like they are "communicating" in a way w/o words, it is so neat to see!

I am looking forward to what's to come, crawling and all, and I can't wait till this next summer for camping, that will be interesting, dirt and crawling....

1 comment:

  1. It is so encouraging to know eventually my little one WILL sleep through the night. I know how much that makes life so much easier!!
