My Family

My Family

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Weekend Camping

So as many of you know that I have been w/o a voice for about two weeks, well prior to loosing my voice we planned on going camping with Don and Heather for Memorial Weekend and I still really wanted to go, it was a different experience with all the whispering I had to do but I think Morgan still had fun!!

She really loved being outside and wandering around, she had quite a few spills but hey she hasn't been walking that long!!

She definitely at her fair share of dirt!! She was all about what she could eat than anything, as you can see from this picture, of course I was the "crazy" mom who kept trying to clean her face, even for it to turn it dirty in seconds!!

She was really into playing with Reagan and Brooks this time around, it was nice they kept each other entertained!!

Here are Morgan and Brooks playing, they are already giving each other the eye, too bad they don't know their parents are wanting them to get married, what fun family activities would be!!

Like I said Morgan did really good on this camping trip, if only she knew to sleep in like normal and not get up when it turned light out would be nice!

Here she is with Dada

Here she is with me giving me kisses, which she loves to do!!

We look to many more camping trips this summer, if only we can teach Morgan to sleep in that would be nice!

Morgan in May

Wow this month has gone by fast!!! Everyday Morgan is getting "older" and what I mean is she is really growing into her personality and it is so weird to think of it happening so fast because it seems like yesterday that a year ago she could just roll over and now she is all over the place!!

We have moved most of her toys upstairs in the bonus room and we are really enjoying that, right after we get home and she has a snack we go upstairs to play and that leaves our living room nice and spacious w/o all the toys, and Morgan seems to enjoy the space to run around in as it doesn't have that much furniture

So far her personality is panning out to what I thought it would be, she is a jokester, an total entertainer, she does things and then looks at us and laughs, she cracks us up multiple times in the day and I love that about her!!

When I say that she is into everything, she is into EVERYTHING, she becomes obsessed with one thing and she is determined to accomplish that task no matter what, the other day she just had to revisit some of her old toys that we have in storage

But I have to say that the best part of her is that she loves to be cuddled and loved and that is the best feeling in the world!!