My Family

My Family

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bug Time

Well, after months and months of no sickness it has finally caught up to our family! With the kids not being in daycare I have noticed quite an improvement in sickness, it seemed with Morgan when she was in daycare she was sick all the time. This time the culprit of the sickness I would say was Tyson and I. We both started getting a cough last week, Tyson however had it a lot worse. He had body aches, fever, not wanting to eat etc. He had limited contact with the girls as I didn't want them to get sick, but I however have to take care of them during the day so I guess there was chance they would catch it!

Over this last weekend Cameryn just wasn't herself. She was fussy, didn't want to play and just wanted to be held which is NOT like her at all. Yesterday afternoon when she woke up from her morning nap, I picked her up to feed her and she was HOT! I immediately checked her temp and it was 103.9!!! I tried to feed her and she wanted nothing to do with it at all.

I called the Dr office and they wanted her in that day so we made an appointment for 4 pm. I was going to take Morgan over to my neighbors to play so I didn't have to deal with 3 kids all by myself at the Dr office, as soon as I was going to take her over she felt really warm. Her temp was 101!!! So she came with as I didn't want her to get Keaton and Makenna sick.
Abbie was protecting her, I think she knew something wasn't right!

We went to the appointment and her fever was down at that point since I had given her some Ibuprofen earlier, ears checked out okay and they even checked her for H1N1 but that came back negative. Now we just have to monitor her and if she has fevers for the next 2 days then we have to go back for another check.

As soon as we got home from the appointment her fever starting climbing up again!! I checked Jaidyn and sure enough she had a slight fever of 99.2. I fed them some dinner, got them in their pajamas, we ate our dinner and I tried to give them each a bottle but they wanted nothing to do with that again. They had barely napped all day so I set them in their bouncy seats, gave them some ibuprofen and they were OUT in 5 minutes at 645 last night! Morgan was the same, we got her in her pajamas read her books and she was out by 705 last night. I have never had all three girls down this early before, so I was preparing myself for a middle of the night wake up, but guess what Jaidyn slept 12 hours straight, Cameryn slept 13 hours straight and well Morgan came to our room at 130, got her moved back to her bed at 2, she came back at 430 and wanted some water and then slept till 8!

This morning things are getting better, Cameryn still has a fever but it is at 101.8 right now, she has ate some and has been a sleeping machine! Morgan is still at 100 and Jaidyn is doing great! I have set upon my self to disinfect everything in this house so hopefully we can get rid of some of the germs! I am hoping this is it for us and the sickness, I guess it is better we all got it at the same time rather than to keep passing it to each other!

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