My Family

My Family

Friday, October 15, 2010

Big Sister Morgan Jo

Morgan has been slowly adjusting to our new lifestyle of having to share Mommy and Daddy with not one but two baby sisters. Right before we had the twins she had just started the "terrible two" stage and the first month of being home with the babies it was apparent that her rebellious stage had doubled!!!
So many changes happened to her so fast so I can't say that I don't blame her but it does make it hard to get through the day sometimes!! First she was pulled out of Daycare because with me not working we couldn't afford the $700 price tag that her day to day entertainment came to. 2nd, she had to now stay home with me where I had to divide my time between the babies and her. It would be so much easier with just one baby but that is not the case, now that the babies are getting bigger we have more time to spend with her since I am not constantly feeding one, burping, changing, feed another, burp, and change and then you have about 1 hour before you start all over again. They are now spaced out to about eating every 3-4 hours in the day so we have been getting a lot of play time in.
Which brings our next hurdle....boredom, she is bored with her toys and bored with the house, so now I am having to get creative with what we do. The times that I was busy she spent a lot of time with the dogs Abbie and Camas and they are truly her best friends at this point. She talks about them all the time, shows them her new things she gets, she even gets upset if she goes out back to play and they don't follow her. I have to say that is pretty creative for her and I am glad that she has them for some companionship.

With the babies, she is helpful when she wants to be. Which you never know when she will be willing to help. She is for the most part very sweet to them and loves to hold them and give them kisses, however she has had a few times gotten mad that I was taking care of them and hit them, which I guess is going to continue for the next 16 years of her life!!! She gets really proud when she goes upstairs and brings diapers down to me, and she really, really wants to pick them up out of their bouncy seats.

I have to say that I know it would of been easier for all of us had we gotten pregnant either before she turned 2 or when she was older but that is not the case and she is adjusting as well as she can. Our next hurdle that I haven't had time to devote 100% to is potty training. If we can get her potty trained then we can get her in a preschool part time and that will give her kid to kid interaction, which I want so badly for her, plus it gives mom some down time :)

She has gotten to spend quite a bit of time with her cousin Maggie which has been great, since Dan and Jamie have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off it is perfect, so I am excited to see their relationship blossom!! As well as it breaks up our day to day routine so she doesn't get as bored.

Her bedtime routine has gotten better, for the most part she stays in her room at night, however I have woken up and her door has been opened so I think she comes out to see if we are up and then goes back to bed. We have been doing the "cry" it out method for her, which is more hard for me then for her but she has responded well to that for nighttime, nap time is a different story, it has only worked once for me. I know she just wants to be part of the action but at the same time if she doesn't take a nap she gets really crabby.

Upcoming for her is I am enrolling her in a community dance class with her cousin Maggie, it is every Thursday from 11-1145 and I am so excited for her. I hope she comes out of her "shy" shell and will interact, plus it breaks up our day to day routine. I am also really going to start on the potty training so I am hoping for her to be done by her 3rd birthday. Another goal I have is to get rid of her "mimi" which is her pacifier, she has really clung to it over the last few months and it is time it goes!!

Here's to potty training!!

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