My Family

My Family

Monday, February 23, 2009

Just an update

Nothing too much is new, Morgan got over her strep throat pretty fast and is in fully destructive mode now!! She is cutting an upper molar, which has just made a drooley mess as well as a runny nose (she gets them when she gets new teeth) she is slowing "trying" to walk and does pretty well with us just holding one hand, and she will take a few steps off of something to one of us, or between us and she looks just proud as can be when she does it!!

One of her favorite things is to follow us when we go and use the bathroom and stand outside the door wanting in, as you can see in this picture

We have found that she does love food, but in particular she loves CHEESE!! If she even sees one of us with a slice she goes crazy for it, and she inhales it!!! She also loves spaghetti, squash, chicken, sweet potatoes, and fruit, especially bananas!! She doesn't get them much but once in awhile we will give her a few french fries and she loves those as well. I would say Spaghetti is her favorite dinner altogether as you can see from the photo!!

And we let her get this messy because well it is just fun for her and we got a brand new washer a dryer, I have to say I didn't mind doing laundry, but now I LOVE IT!! I have always wanted a front loader washer and dryer and we finally got them, look how pretty they are:

Even Morgan is fascinated with them and was watching the wash the other night:

And she still hasn't lost her sense of humor, the other night she crawled around with one of her socks in her mouth and she thought she was the funniest thing in the room, in truth she was, we couldn't stop laughing!!

And Morgan also wants to thank Uncle Bob and Aunt Donna for the birthday toy, it is now her favorite, every morning she goes over and pushes the button and loves to have the air from the toy to blow in her face!!

Well that is all for now, more updates to come later!!

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