We had the twins 9 month checkup last week! I still can't believe they are 9 months already!!! Jaidyn is finally starting to catch up to Cameryn as far as "milestones" go, but she is still our little peanut. She is just so tiny and light compared to Cameryn it is crazy to think they can be so different!!! Here are her stats from the appt.

Weight: 17 lbs (30 percentile)
Height: 26.5 inches (12 percentile)
Head: 17.91 inches (90 percentile)
This is her attempt at crawling, so cute!

The doctor wasn't concerned that she is so much littler than her sister, she said that is just how some babies are. She gained 3 lbs in 3 months so that is a good sign. Jaidyn is not "crawling" yet, but can army crawl, she just started sitting up on her own but is not quite as steady as Cameryn. She LOVES her food, she is just okay with a bottle, she would rather eat food. She would bounce in the johnny jump up all day if I let her. She is quite funny with it, if Cameryn is in the exersaucer right next to her or if your at the table or couch she will bounce and get going just to try to touch you. Her personality is finally emerging as well, she sometimes get a mischievous grin on her face when she is up to something she shouldn't be doing. She is also our thinker still, has to check everything out with the most serious look on her face. She has finally started to giggle as well, I love to hear her giggle since it took her so long to start! She has a TON of hair and in a few months I will be able to pull it up in hair ties. She also loves to grab Cameryn's paci out of her mouth. She is still my early riser, up by 6 am usually everyday and usually only takes a small morning and afternoon nap.

I can't wait for the next few months to see how they develop, I can go a little while longer before the walking starts, as that is going to make my time even more busy!
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