We had our 9 month check up last week with Cameryn and Jaidyn! I can't believe 9 months has already gone by!!! All checked out well for Cameryn, she is about to get some of her upper teeth so her gums have been swollen and she has been a bit cranky at times. It is weird for me because Morgan had like 6 teeth by now and she only has 2, but she is also doing a lot more than Morgan didn't do. Here are her stats from the appt
Weight: 20.44 lbs (80 percentile)
Length: 28 inches (66 percentile)
Head: 18.11 inches (95 percentile)

She is fully crawling and sitting up on her own now. She is quite cute and will follow me around the house if I am cleaning or if I have to go to the bathroom. She still LOVES her food and is a very good eater! She is attempting to pull her self up but just on small objects like the kitchen chairs, the stairs, etc, but she isn't trying to stand yet. She loves her sleep still and goes down and stays down pretty easy. She also "picks" on Jaidyn, she will go up and take her toy and crawl away because she knows she can't get her yet. She is still by far the happiest baby I have ever seen!

I can't wait to see what is to come over the next few months, I am NOT ready for her to start walking yet as that is going to make it a lot more difficult for me! However it would be nice for camping season so we didn't have to deal with her crawling in the dirt!
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