Wow this last three years has gone by fast as today is Morgan's 3rd birthday!!! It is nice to be able to actually communicate with her now and she understands everything that we ask. We also have to watch what we say as she is a sponge and is now repeating everything that comes out of our mouths! I am really going to go hard on potty training her as I would like to get her into a preschool class and you have to be potty trained in order to go, she has gone a few times for us but is just inconsistent and that is partly my fault since I have been so busy with the twins and her. I borrowed this interview from a friend of mine Jessica, she gave it to her son on his 3rd birthday, it is funny with some of the answers!
What is your favorite color? Blue
What is your favorite food? Cheeseburgers
Who is your best friend? Camas (one of the dogs)
What is your favorite cartoon? Curious George
What is your favorite book? A Tale of Tails
What does Mommy do best? Cook
What does Daddy do best? Read me books
What is your favorite animal? Monkeys
What do you like to do with Mommy and Daddy? Make a mess
Where is your favorite place to go? Daddy's work
How old are you? Three
Morgan 1 day old:

Morgan on her 1st birthday:
Morgan on her 2
nd Birthday:

Her party is this
saturday so I will make sure to post some
picutres, just looking at her 2
nd party I can't believe how much she has grown up!!! I had bought my mom a plane ticket to come out for the party but
unfortunatly she had to have emergency surgery and is unable to come at this time, maybe she will make it next year for her 4
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