I have to say that I was super excited when I was going to be able to take Morgan to Build a Bear and that she actually understood the concept. When I first took her the twins were only a couple of weeks old and I wanted to treat her to something special since she was being such a good sport with all the new changes. She immediately picked out a bear and we had him stuffed, then came time to give the bear a "bath" she LOVED that station, I couldn't get her away from it, I encouraged her to pick out an outfit for the bear but she simply wasn't interested, she just wanted to keep giving him a "bath", she named him "Bear".

The 2ND time she went I wasn't with her, she went her with Auntie Dodo and Aunt Jamie and Cousin Maggie, from what I heard she had a blast and ended up with a frog that she has named "Flower"

Today to get out of the house I decided to go to the mall, I had a gift card I needed to spend anyways and since she has been fighting a cold the last couple days she was going stir crazy in the house. I decided to go ahead and take her to build a bear again and this time it was nice because there was no one in the store so she didn't get shy or intimidated from the whole situation. This time it took her a few times to finally pick the right bear but she sure did enjoy the whole process this time, however the bath station was still a hit! She has named her "Heart"

I do have to say I think I have just as much fun picking out the accessories and clothes as I think the kids do, I also have to say that none of these stuffed animals will ever amount to the love she has for her "Ah Ah". We got "Ah Ah" on a family reunion trip when she was only 1 1/2 years old, he has never left her side since then, she named him "Ah Ah" because that is the noise a monkey makes, if anything were to ever happen to him it is going to be a very sad time in our house!
Shane HATED the bath station and when I said we weren't going to get the bear clothes he got upset and said the bear would be cold. Such opposites! Funny.