Cameryn and Jaidyn are fast approaching 16 months! Where did the time go? Just wanted to give out some updates on them as they have been reaching a TON of milestones!!
Cameryn Paige:

Walking everywhere--we do have to go and get an orthopedic consult as she has a wide gait and her toes turn inwards, that is scheduled for Monday so I am getting pretty anxious about that.
Says "dada" but she says it when I ask her to say "mama"
LOVES milk and a bottle (I have been trying to get them off the bottle and she wants nothing to do with it)
LOVES cheese, she will eat cheese all day if I let her
LOVES strawberries and apple juice
LOVES to drink out of my water glass
Very messy eater and inhales her food as if she hasn't ate in weeks
She is our "aggressor" she is not afraid to go and steal a toy away from her sisters, however when they do it back to her she has a HUGE meltdown
She is also our sensitive one, and not afraid to stick her bottom lip out when crying.
She loves to chase Jaidyn around and giggle the whole time.
she is a giggler, loves to giggle
Can give kisses, with her mouth wide open of course
Weighs 27 lbs and is wearing 18 month size clothes
Jaidyn Elliott

Walking and Running, some of the times she walks like a mummy, arms straight out in front of her
Used to say "mama" but now I can't get her to do so
she is content with a sippy cup, however if she sees Cameryn with a bottle, then she wants one
LOVES cheese as well, she gets really excited when she sees it
LOVES cheese puffs, I swear she would eat half a bag if I let her
LOVES to drink out of my water glass
She actually is a really good eater, usually finishes all her food, she just takes FOREVER to eat. She is also a very clean eater, usually not too much of a mess
She is our "tattler" when someone takes something from her she comes running right to one of us crying
She is also is very intuitive. If I say were going bye bye's she will head to the garage door. Yesterday I told her to pick up the shoes and put them back in the closet and she did, she even closed the closet door.
Loves to have "jobs" I just taught her how to throw away her diapers and shut the door and she smiles so big everytime she does this and when you praise her.
She is our little jokester as well. If I need to change her diaper she will come to me 3/4 of the way get a devilish grin on her face and turn around and run away. She does this a lot right AFTER you get her diaper off.
Loves to eat the soap in her baths, yup, she loves to ingest bubble bath.
can give kisses when you ask for one
she weighs 22 lbs and wears 9-12 month clothes
They seem to really adore each other and I hope it stays this way! Of course there are days where all they do is pick on each other, but usually they are laughing and playing all day together.
Tackle Time, Cameryn let her sit on her like this for a few minutes!
They were hugging
Sweet...I forget that they really are so close to Adalyn's age...just 4 months off. I love seeing their likes and dislikes. :)