Cameryn: Still happy, happy, happy, unless if she is hungry or tired. She loves to mimic you, when you ask her to say "mama" she says "nanananananana" over and over again. She is walking along furniture, and will walk with a walking toy. She loves to eat and will eat anything that you put in front of her. She loves to "chase" Jaidyn around the house and they giggle the whole time! She is wearing 18 month size clothes (she is still a chunk) and she knows how to take her diaper off.
Jaidyn: She is our little clown. Loves to do silly things to make you laugh. She can say "mama" and loves to "talk" to you, constantly, and she is LOUD at it. She just started to try to stand up on her own, without furniture around. Pretty soon she will be walking! She is a very "polite" eater as I put it. She will eat all her food, but it takes her forever and she rarely makes a mess. She also tries to steal her sisters food off of her tray. She wears between 6-12 months for clothes, she is still just a tiny little thing! Her newest thing is if she gets upset that she will put her forehead on the ground, cry and crawl at the same time. She did it so much she gave herself a rug burn on her forehead!
I am looking forward to the next year and what it will bring. It will be interesting when they both start walking, that will definitely bring more challenges to me, but it will be fun for Morgan as she will be able to interact with them more!
Happy Birthday, Girls! I am sure being one will bring lots of fun for the whole family.