Well, here is a week to me cooking all the meals....sure do miss my parents, not only for them cooking but just for them being around. Since it is going to be another hot week, most of these meals will be cooked on the BBQ.
Sunday: Beer Can Chicken, Corn on the cob, and salad
Monday: Rigatoni w/ spaghetti sauce, garlic bread and leftover salad
Tuesday: Kielbasa, noodles and green beans
Wednesday: Pork Chops, rice and mixed veggies
Thursday: W.T. Baked potato's, chili and mac n cheese. I am going out to dinner with my friend Heather, so this is an easy one for Tyson to make.
Friday: BBQ Beef in the crock pot (didn't do this last week), and twice baked potatoes
Saturday: Chicken Wings (again didn't do this last week) and whatever other appetizer stuff I can make.
Have a great week!!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Flashback Friday
Oh my, they were so tiny that they fit in one bouncy seat together!
Cameryn on the left and Jaidyn on the right
Even Morgan has changed so much, she has lost of ton of the baby fat that I see on her cheeks in this picture.
Even Morgan has changed so much, she has lost of ton of the baby fat that I see on her cheeks in this picture.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
1 Year Old
Oh my, time has sure flown by in this house. Cameryn and Jaidyn turned ONE on July 20Th! It is crazy to think where we were last year at this time, tired, tired, tired. We are still tired but in a different way. At least the girls are sleeping thru the night and that helps! I can't even believe they are one already.We had a small birthday party for them on their actual birthday since my sister in law Jamie was in town from Washington. We made some cupcakes for them, but for some reason they really didn't want to eat them! Then they got to open a TON of presents that she had bought them. It was a really nice day for them.
We also had a big birthday party on the 23rd, we had a BBQ with Hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, chips, etc. They also got a TON of presents from family and friends. Of course they weren't really sure how to open them, but big sister Morgan had no problem showing them.
I haven't had their 1 year checkup yet as their doctor was really booked out, we have that scheduled for August 1st, so I will have their stats then. 

Cameryn: Still happy, happy, happy, unless if she is hungry or tired. She loves to mimic you, when you ask her to say "mama" she says "nanananananana" over and over again. She is walking along furniture, and will walk with a walking toy. She loves to eat and will eat anything that you put in front of her. She loves to "chase" Jaidyn around the house and they giggle the whole time! She is wearing 18 month size clothes (she is still a chunk) and she knows how to take her diaper off.
Jaidyn: She is our little clown. Loves to do silly things to make you laugh. She can say "mama" and loves to "talk" to you, constantly, and she is LOUD at it. She just started to try to stand up on her own, without furniture around. Pretty soon she will be walking! She is a very "polite" eater as I put it. She will eat all her food, but it takes her forever and she rarely makes a mess. She also tries to steal her sisters food off of her tray. She wears between 6-12 months for clothes, she is still just a tiny little thing! Her newest thing is if she gets upset that she will put her forehead on the ground, cry and crawl at the same time. She did it so much she gave herself a rug burn on her forehead!
I am looking forward to the next year and what it will bring. It will be interesting when they both start walking, that will definitely bring more challenges to me, but it will be fun for Morgan as she will be able to interact with them more!
My Menu
Here is another weekly menu. It has been nice to not have to do a lot of the cooking this past week. We have been BBQing a lot lately since it has been so hot outside, we don't want to heat the house up with the oven.
Sunday: Spaghetti, Caesar Salad and Garlic Bread (I made a huge crock pot batch since we were running low from our frozen stash)
Monday: Brauts, Baked Beans and leftover pasta and tuna salad
Tuesday: Steak and big bakers
Wednesday: Pork Chops, Cous Cous, and green beans
Thursday: Hawaiian Chicken, noodles, and salad
Friday: BBQ Beef in the crock pot and corn on the cob
Saturday: Chicken Wings, potato skins, and some other kind of appetizer.
My parents and nephew leave on Wednesday :( so I am back to cooking after today. Have a great week everyone!
Sunday: Spaghetti, Caesar Salad and Garlic Bread (I made a huge crock pot batch since we were running low from our frozen stash)
Monday: Brauts, Baked Beans and leftover pasta and tuna salad
Tuesday: Steak and big bakers
Wednesday: Pork Chops, Cous Cous, and green beans
Thursday: Hawaiian Chicken, noodles, and salad
Friday: BBQ Beef in the crock pot and corn on the cob
Saturday: Chicken Wings, potato skins, and some other kind of appetizer.
My parents and nephew leave on Wednesday :( so I am back to cooking after today. Have a great week everyone!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
My Menu
I am a little late posting my menu this week. We have been busy with my parents and nephew here so I haven't spent much time on the computer. Here is my menu for the week.
Sunday: Taco's and refried beans
Monday: BBQ Chicken (Thanks Dad!--it was yummy), corn on the cob and salad
Tuesday: We are going out to my Brother in laws parents ranch to have a family dinner
Wednesday: Baby Back Ribs, potato salad and corn on the cob
Thursday: Tyson and I get a DATE NIGHT!!! (Thanks Mom and Dad, it is much needed)
Friday: Appetizers, Spicy Chicken Bites (thanks again dad), and I am not sure what else
Saturday: Cameryn and Jaidyn's birthday party! Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Coleslaw, Tuna Salad, Pasta Salad, chips...etc...etc...etc...
It has been really nice to not have to do all the cooking! Plus it has been soooo hot that it is nice to BBQ rather than heat up the house with the oven! Have a great week.
Sunday: Taco's and refried beans
Monday: BBQ Chicken (Thanks Dad!--it was yummy), corn on the cob and salad
Tuesday: We are going out to my Brother in laws parents ranch to have a family dinner
Wednesday: Baby Back Ribs, potato salad and corn on the cob
Thursday: Tyson and I get a DATE NIGHT!!! (Thanks Mom and Dad, it is much needed)
Friday: Appetizers, Spicy Chicken Bites (thanks again dad), and I am not sure what else
Saturday: Cameryn and Jaidyn's birthday party! Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Coleslaw, Tuna Salad, Pasta Salad, chips...etc...etc...etc...
It has been really nice to not have to do all the cooking! Plus it has been soooo hot that it is nice to BBQ rather than heat up the house with the oven! Have a great week.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Flashback Friday
This was me 1 year ago. I still had 4 weeks to go with the pregnancy and had been on bed rest for 4 weeks. I remember being sooooo uncomfortable and just wanting to be done. However I was trying to last as long as I could so the babies would come out healthy. Little did I know that 4 days after taking this picture I had a C-Section due to my complications with high blood pressure and preeclampsia. I can't believe I was this HUGE!

Thursday, July 14, 2011
As Cameryn and Jaidyn are approaching one, I again am having to change up their schedule! It makes it for a few hectic weeks, but it has to happen.
Cameryn does great with the food of course, she likes her food. Jaidyn on the other hand has a hard time I think with touching the soft food. I don't know if it is just the texture she doesn't like or if she wants me to feed it to her. She will eat it if I feed it to her so I am thinking it is the texture of the food. She is getting better at it everyday.

We also finished our last can of formula and instead of me going out to buy some more we started transitioning into whole milk. This is going to be nice because formula is expensive (although we buy Costco brand and it is $17 a can) but they go thru 2 cans a week. So this is going to be saving us about $120 a month!!
I can't believe a year has gone by already, my little babies are growing up so fast!
The next few transitions we are going to be going thru are, no more bottle and going from 2 naps to 1 nap a day. Right now they nap from 9-11, then 2-4--sometimes the times vary depending if they wake up early or not. Then I start bedtime at 730 but for the last few nights they have been fighting going to bed even though they have been up for over 4 hours, so I am thinking we have to start increasing the amount of time they are up before we put them down. I am hoping for a goal of napping from 11-2, but since they get up at 6 am EVERY morning this is going to be a difficult task to do! I am just not sure if they will be able to be up for 5 hours at a time, but this is something that has to happen so I am going to just stay positive and see how it goes!
The first thing we started was giving them "people" food. They just are not that interested in me feeding them baby food anymore so I figured, time to make the change! So far they have tried Mac and Cheese (a HUGE hit), baked potato (just so so with them), buttered noodles, spaghetti (another HUGE hit), baked beans, frozen peas, green beans, vanilla yogurt (a favorite of theirs), pears, bananas, club cracker, Ritz crackers, goldfish, shredded and sliced cheese.
We also finished our last can of formula and instead of me going out to buy some more we started transitioning into whole milk. This is going to be nice because formula is expensive (although we buy Costco brand and it is $17 a can) but they go thru 2 cans a week. So this is going to be saving us about $120 a month!!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
My Menu
I stuck to my menu for the most part last week, I did have to make a minor change because of changes we made with 4Th of July plans. I basically moved everything by one day and took out Thursday's BBQ Chicken, so it wasn't too much of an inconvenience. I am struggling this week to come up with a menu, not sure why just not in the mood I guess. Also my parents and nephew are coming next Saturday so I am looking forward to them doing alot of the cooking for us! (Aren't parent's great?!?)
Sunday: Kielbasa on the grill, with onions and mushrooms, salad and green beans
Monday: Spaghetti, garlic toast and salad
Tuesday: Hawaiian Chicken (chicken marinated in teriyaki, topped with grilled pineapple and Swiss cheese), noodles and corn
Wednesday: BLT's, potato salad, and baked beans
Thursday: W.T. Baked potatoes, chili and mac n cheese
Friday: Pizza night. We don't order pizza often so I thought we would treat ourselves.
Saturday: Not sure yet. My parents and nephew fly in so probably something on the BBQ, maybe steak.
As I said, I am very excited for my parents and nephew to get here. It is going to be nice to have the extra help, plus with my Mom and Dad's cooking you cant go wrong. We will even get a date night out of it!! Have a great week.
Sunday: Kielbasa on the grill, with onions and mushrooms, salad and green beans
Monday: Spaghetti, garlic toast and salad
Tuesday: Hawaiian Chicken (chicken marinated in teriyaki, topped with grilled pineapple and Swiss cheese), noodles and corn
Wednesday: BLT's, potato salad, and baked beans
Thursday: W.T. Baked potatoes, chili and mac n cheese
Friday: Pizza night. We don't order pizza often so I thought we would treat ourselves.
Saturday: Not sure yet. My parents and nephew fly in so probably something on the BBQ, maybe steak.
As I said, I am very excited for my parents and nephew to get here. It is going to be nice to have the extra help, plus with my Mom and Dad's cooking you cant go wrong. We will even get a date night out of it!! Have a great week.
Monday, July 4, 2011
My Menu
I did a really good job sticking to my menu last week, the only change we made was Saturday. I had been really craving finger steaks, but it was so nice out we decided to grill up steak instead and it was yummy! Here is my menu for this week
Sunday: Leftover Pulled Pork sandwiches, potato salad, macaroni salad and chips
Monday: Chicken Wings, potato's, meatballs and deviled eggs
Tuesday: Pork Chops, noodles and corn
Wednesday: Taco's, re fried beans and tator tots
Thursday: BBQ Chicken, salad, sauteed pea pods from our garden
Friday: Juicy Lucy's (Hamburgers with cheese in the middle), pasta salad and chips
Saturday: Carne Asada, grilled veggies and potatoes
Nothing new this week that I haven't made before. I want to be able to grill as much as possible so we don't heat the house up with the oven. Wednesday it is suppose to be almost 100 degrees and that is a bit too hot for me to be grilling so we are going to do an inside meal that day. Have a great week!
Sunday: Leftover Pulled Pork sandwiches, potato salad, macaroni salad and chips
Monday: Chicken Wings, potato's, meatballs and deviled eggs
Tuesday: Pork Chops, noodles and corn
Wednesday: Taco's, re fried beans and tator tots
Thursday: BBQ Chicken, salad, sauteed pea pods from our garden
Friday: Juicy Lucy's (Hamburgers with cheese in the middle), pasta salad and chips
Saturday: Carne Asada, grilled veggies and potatoes
Nothing new this week that I haven't made before. I want to be able to grill as much as possible so we don't heat the house up with the oven. Wednesday it is suppose to be almost 100 degrees and that is a bit too hot for me to be grilling so we are going to do an inside meal that day. Have a great week!
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