Wow, 11 months have already gone by since Cameryn and Jaidyn were born. It is hard to imagine that next month they will be ONE!!! They are growing up so fast! Parts of this last year were a bit of a blur well because with one newborn you don't get sleep, but with 2 newborns you really don't get sleep and then throw an active 3 year old in the mix and it is constant go! Here is what the girls have been up to.
Cameryn Paige:

Still by far the HAPPIEST baby I have ever been around. The only time she cries is when she is hungry or if you take something away from her that she shouldn't have. She is loves to be tickled and loves to play Patty Cake and she even claps her hands on her own to mimick. She is standing up on everything, even my back when I am changing Jaidyn's diaper. She has taken a few steps while hold on the furniture as well. She has also already climbed up 3 steps!! Cameryn currently has 7 teeth and is getting her 8th, which leaves us with a very drooley baby. She is also still a chunk, she can fit is 18 month size clothes as well. She is pretty much over baby food and prefers finger foods. Her favorites are club crackers and the little cheesy puffs that you can get from gerber. She loves to be in her car seat and usually falls asleep in minutes when she is in there. She also LOVES Morgan. Whenever Morgan is around she usually follows her where ever she goes and if she is on the couch, Cameryn is right there standing up and giggling at her.

Jaidyn Elliott:

Jaidyn has changed into such a clown. She started as our "fussiest" baby and has now turned into a sweet, funny, little
snuggler. She loves to talk to you, she will let out a "ahhh" and if you say it back to her it will go and go and go like that for a few minutes. She just started to pull her self up on certain things. She won't pull up on the coffee table or the couch, but she will pull up on my back, the toy box and chairs. She LOVES to stand on her head as well, she does it all day long and it cracks me up every time! Jaidyn only has 4 teeth so far, and what is really weird is the one upper tooth she has is a side tooth, not a front tooth. I think that she is as well just about to get a few more as her gums are really swollen and her nose has been running a lot! She is still the lightest, tiniest baby that I have had. She can still fit in 6 months sizes!!! She LOVES her fruit with the baby food, she would eat fruit all day if I let her. She also loves Puffs, they are by far her favorite, she gets really excited when she sees me bring them out! She also started waving, not at us, but at herself! I definitely think she is going to have Tyson's curly hair, she has so much of it and always after a bath it is SUPER curly, which I am excited about, I always wanted curly hair.

It is great to see them interacting as well, if one is doing something the other one has to be right there, they have even started to "wrestle" with each other, it is so cute. Every once in a while they will "talk" with each other and giggle at each other. In fact if one is up before the other from sleeping they just aren't the same until the other one wakes up! I hope this is a good sign that they are going to get along for their whole lives!

I am now starting to plan their 1st birthday party. I got the invites all made up, my parents and nephew Tyler are coming out for the party so I am excited about that! We are going to have a big BBQ with some water toys for the older kids. I love summer birthdays! It is always hard to be creative with Morgan's since it is right in the middle of winter. I just can't believe they are turning ONE!
It's crazy to think of the 1st birthday! So many changes in that first year! Happy Almost One, Girls!