This year was such a blast for us for Christmas, with Morgan understanding the concept of Santa and bringing presents it was really rewarding to us to see how excited she got when she was able to open her presents! I also had the funnest time shopping for her because she is now at the age where she can appreciate the toys and that they are on a whole new "learning" level!
We did the ring countdown and she new the night before that if she went to bed Santa would come. We told her she had to stay in her bed all night otherwise Santa won't come and she actually did (big feat since she has been making appearances in our bed at night) That morning she was so excited but we convinced her to wait a little bit so Mom and Dad could have a cup of coffee and Jaidyn was still sleeping at 8 am. After she started getting antsy I woke Jaidyn up so she could be part of it. She was really sweet and opened her little sisters presents for them and then showed them what they got.

Now we have her birthday to concentrate on, it is less than a month away and I can't even believe she is turning 3! We have a special present picked out for her that I can't wait to see when she get its, she has been asking for it for a few months now. I also did a countdown ring for her birthday so she is pretty excited about being able to pull a ring off everyday and then count to how many days till what she says "my Happy Birthday"
Morgan with her Christmas eve present, Curious George, she was happy!
Showing Cameryn her new pajamas that Santa brought her
She really did enjoy all the presents we got her (or should I say Santa) and has been busy playing with them ever since. I would say her favorite is a VTech digital camera we got her, she is always trying to take pictures with our cameras so I figured this would be a great present for her!

That night her cousin, aunt and uncle came over and we cooked up a feast, deep fried turkey, ham, cheesy potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing and was delicious, I even make a Lemon Meringue pie and a Turtle Cheesecake. The lemon meringue was okay, it just needed more time to firm up as it was a little runny and the turtle cheesecake was delicious!
My pie!
I can't wait for next year as Cameryn and Jaidyn should be able to open some presents, even though they still wont get the concept, but Morgan will help!
Cameryn and Jaidyn in their Christmas pajamas!
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