Thursday, December 30, 2010
Christmas 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Weekly Menu
Sunday: Leftovers (Ham, cheesy potatoes, stuffing and green bean casserole)
Monday: Beef w/ Pea pods, rice and egg rolls
Tuesday: Pork Chops, rice and corn
Wednesday: Spaghetti and Sausage w/ Garlic Toast
Thursday: Chicken Stew w/ rolls
Friday: Appetizers
Saturday: Pizza
I am trying a few new things this week as you can see, I have not made the beef with pea pods before, I am hoping it is like Beef w/ Broccoli but since Tyson won't eat broccoli I am substituting pea pods, also the Chicken stew is new, that is in my crock pot cookbook so I am excited to try that as well! Have a great week!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Morgan's 3rd Christmas
Needless to say it is also the hardest for me to get the presents in the house, hidden and wrapped w/o her seeing. I got some wrapped during a nap once but I was paranoid she was going to come down the whole time, now I am going to finish tonight after she goes to bed.
We are also going to be making cookies tomorrow for Santa to eat as I told her that he needs cookies in order to be able to deliver presents to all the kids. I can't wait till next year, it will be even more exciting for her and then the babies will be able to open some presents as well!.
Here is Morgan on her first Christmas!
Here she is on her 2nd Christmas
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Weekly Menu
Sunday: Spaghetti Batch and Garlic Toast (made a huge batch in the crock pot and then we freeze it in bowls for the perfect serving for us)
Monday: Keilbasa w/ caramelized onions, noodles and corn
Tuesday: Lasagna and Salad
Wednesday: Chicken, rice and green beans (not sure what kind of chicken yet.)
Thursday: Taco Thursday, and tator tots
Friday: Christmas Eve Dinner w/ the Canale Clan
Saturday: Turkey, Ham, Cheesy Potatoes, etc...all the good stuff for Christmas!
I am going to even attempt to make a Lemon Meringue Pie for Tyson as it is his favorite, It seems like a lot of work, but I won't know if I can do it unless I try!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Jaidyn has found her voice!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
What we choose to do with our money is our business, not yours.....if your that concerned your welcome to ask and MAYBE I will have a conversation with you about it, however it is not your business which is why I think you choose to talk about behind our backs. We are great, hardworking parents and do deserve time is what makes a marriage work. We don't appreciate you assuming our situation and we don't appreciate you talking behind our backs about it. Please stop causing drama where it is not needed, we have enough going on in our lives right now and are not going to start playing this game with you. Either you can be in our lives as an understanding, non judgemental person or not, it is your choice but I think you know what choice you have already made...
That is all I have to say and I am open to discuss this further with you if you would like, you know my number to call me.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Weekly Menu
Sunday: Chicken with Rotel and bow tie pasta, just made it up and it tasted pretty good
Monday: Taco Soup and quesadilla's
Tuesday: Fried Chicken, Noodles and Green Beans
Wednesday: Tyson and I have a date night so I don't have to cook :)
Thursday: French Dips and fries
Friday: BBQ Ribs
Saturday: Steak and Potatoes
I know it is weird to have a date night during the week, but my sister in law and brother in law are watching our kids and they work weekends, (they will be going over to Aunt Dodo's and Uncle Bobby's as well, that wasn't the original plan but it is now, which I don't mind as long as I get out of the house!) so if we want a date night I will take a Wednesday, I am just excited to be going out and be able to order off of a menu, it has been so long since I have done that when it isn't fast food.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Goodbye Cable
I thought I was going to be really sad about it since I do watch TV when I am feeding the babies and after everyone is in bed. I have to say that I haven't missed it. We have our PS3 hooked up to stream netflix as well as we signed up for Hulu which you can watch TV shows through there. I have been very pleased with this since the Hulu cost us $20 for the YEAR. It is a little slow from time to time but it is worth the patience to be saving over $90 a month!!! Now I do miss my DVR but that is exactly what Hulu is. It has been great because they have a ton of kids stuff as well and so if Morgan wants to watch something we can search for it.
Now I just wish Netflix had more newer movies to watch but then we do get on DVD at a time so if only I was better about watching those movies and returning them then I could watch more updated movies.
Now I only wish we would of done this sooner!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Cameryn VS. Jaidyn
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Weekly Menu
Sunday: Carne Azada
Monday:Spaghetti and Garlic Toast
Tuesday: Tilapia, noodles and corn
Wednesday: Pork Chops, rice and green beans
Thursday: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and mixed veggies
Friday: Chicken (a recipe from my friend Jo who is in New Zealand, very yummy), baked potatoes and corn
Saturday: free for all day, I think we might pick up a papa murphys pizza...we will see.
as you noticed we don't get a variety of vegetables because Tyson likes corn and green beans only, I sneak in the mixed veggies because it has both of those options and occasionally he will eat asparagus, however that is it. I on the other hand LOVE all veggies (yes Brussell sprouts are my fav) EXCEPT squash so I eat those during the week for my lunches!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Weekly Menu
Monday: Cola Chicken, white rice, scalloped potatoes and green beans
Tuesday: Hungarian Goulash and biscuits
Wednesday: ?? day, we are having my sister and brother in law over so I am not sure.
Thursday: what I call W.T, Baked potatoes, chili, and mac and cheese
Friday: Carne Azada and tator tots
Saturday: Appetizer night (chicken bites, potato skins and jalapeno poppers)
I have some more great ideas coming up for this month on some new recipes that I am going to try so I am excited about that. I love cooking especially in the winter!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
4 month check up
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Weekly Menu
Sunday: Taco Soup
Monday: Spaghetti and Garlic Bread
Tuesday: Chorizo's and Tator Tots
Wednesday: Chicken, noodles and corn
Thursday: TURKEY DAY
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Wings and fried potatoes
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Creative Sayings from a 3 year old
"Momma, a cheeseburger will make my owies feel better"
"Daddy goes to work to make the money?"
"Momma, my apple juice is going to help me poop"
"Mom, ahah (her stuffed monkey) likes the purple ones and I like the pink ones" (her attempt for me to buy her more than 1 pair of pajamas, very creative)
Dad: "Morgan who gets to eat out of your Halloween bucket first, me or mommy" and Morgan with a very curt reply "Ummm ME!"
I know there has been a ton more and I need to start writing them down, they sure do make me laugh!!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Weekly Menu
Sunday: Carne Azada and tator tots
Monday: Tilapia, stuffing and green beans
Tuesday: Pot Roast w/ potatoes and carrots, gravy and rolls
Wednesday: Philly Cheese Steaks with the left over pot roast
Thursday: Pork Chops, rice and corn
Friday: undecided still, if we can afford it I might get chinese, otherwise maybe taco's
Saturday: Ribs and fried potatoes
I have said in the past how much I love cooking, and I really do enjoy it, but lately when the weekend hits I just plain don't want to, so I am going to continue to post this menu for my motivation, without me working going out to dinner for $40-$50 is not an option! And we don't want to go out to eat with three kids anyways, we would rather save that for a date night!!! We are suppose to be getting a 1/4 cow soon, we got a PORTION of a 1/4 cow from my sister in law right when the twins were born and we just used the last of it! So it lasted us 4 months so I can't imagine how long a full 1/4 will last, but it was nice not having to buy any beef! Next up is to get a portion of pig as well!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Weekly Menu
Sunday: Big Batch of Spaghetti (We make a huge batch and freeze about 6-7 bowls and then when we want Spaghetti we just take it out of the freezer and we are all out so it is time to make another batch)
Monday: Chicken, Rice and Corn
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Trick or Treat
Monday, November 1, 2010
Weekly Menu
Sunday: Taco Soup
Monday, Spaghetti and Garlic Bread
Tuesday: Pork Chops, Noodles and Corn (didn't have this last week)
Wednesday: Pulled Pork, potatoes and Green Beans
Thursday: W.T. (Baked potatoes, chili and Mac n Cheese)
Friday: Dutch Oven Meal
Saturday: Homemade Pizza-Tyson is going to the BSU game with Don so we thought we would let the kids make their own homemade pizza, Heather is coming over with the kids)
Have a great Week!!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
New Routine
To go back a ways when I was working I felt very guilty for leaving Morgan in daycare which resulted in me enjoying my time with her when I could get it, so sleep time I never did the crying out method, it was time I got to spend with her and make her feel special, well that just bit me in my rear end because as she got older she realized it!!!
When we got pregnant the next time I put it into high gear, she was still in her crib but she understood that she got 10 minutes of cuddle time with me and off to bed she went, she took to that easy, then when we converted her crib to a bed, she transitioned just fine......when the toddler bed came to play which was May she HATED it, so I was a sucker and let her fall asleep in my bed and moved her. The only problem with this was it could take up to an hour and w/o any other children it was fine, no problem.....then July 20Th happened
The babies came and all of sudden I realized my mistake with Morgan's sleeping and it was too late to take back what I had done. So we had to make a decision and that decision was Morgan is a big girl and needs to be treated like one. For the last 4 weeks we have been doing the "crying" it out method except she doesn't cry she just gets out of her bed. She does really well some nights and other nights it takes us over an hour to get her down.
We have also been struggling with the twins because when we would sit down for dinner at 630 they would want to eat but we weren't ready for them to eat because we still had to deal with Morgan, so I proposed a new schedule to Tyson which is dinner ready at 530, he does bath time and playtime with Morgan while I feed and change the girls, then when she is ready to go to bed at 730-8 the girls will be falling asleep and then when I get Morgan down I can move the girls to bed. What do you know for the last 2 days that has worked!!!! I am hoping this is our last schedule change, I know that as the twins get older there will be a few changes but I am only one person vs. 3 so one step at a time :)
The lesson in all of this, I now know that with the twins it WILL NOT be this way and we will do the "cry" it out method with them.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Weekly Menu
Sunday: Tilapia w/ a lime marinade and salsa, roasted potatoes and salad
Monday: Chicken fried in panko bread crumbs, rice, and corn
Tuesday: Homemade Chili and Bread
Wednesday: Tuna Casserole, corn and biscuits
Thursday: Pork chops, noodles and green beans
Friday: Mexican Shrimp
Saturday: Wings, potatoes and quesadillas
Friday, October 22, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Weekly Menu
Sunday: Carne Azada
Monday: Meatball subs and Tator tots
Tuesday: Beer marinated chicken, noodles and corn
Wednesday: Kielbasa w/ mushrooms and onions, rice, and green beans
Thursday: Spaghetti and Garlic Toast
Friday: Chuck Steak slow roasted w/ gravy, potatoes and mixed veggies
Saturday: Appetizers
The only new menu item for this week is the meatball subs, everything else I have made before but I have to say it is nice to have time to cook and be creative and save money all at the same time!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Big Sister Morgan Jo
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Late Menu
Sunday: Wings, Quesadilla's and Queso dip
Monday: Meatloaf, Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes with caramelized onion and mushroom gravy
Tuesday: Hoisin Chicken (first time using this marinade), Scalloped potatoes and Corn
Wednesday: Taco Soup (I haven't made this but I have eaten others so I am excited!)
Thursday: Pork Chops, Stuffing and Green Beans
Friday: Grocery shopping hopefully so dinner is a ?
I have already planned my menu for the month, so that way I can make sure that I get everything I need at the grocery store so 1. I don't make another trip and spend more money than planned and 2. it is really hard to go to the store with 3 kids. I am really enjoying staying home and coming up with new recipe ideas and I am addicted to watching Food Network so I have a ton of new ideas that I am going to be trying this month and I am very excited. I hated cooking this last year because I would get home around 530 from work and it just seemed like a chore to cook, so I think Tyson is enjoying have good food again as well rather than what we can throw together quickly. Stay Tuned for my next menu!!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Weekly Menu
Sunday: Chicken, potatoes, and green beans
Monday: Pork Chops, cheesy noodles, and corn
Tuesday: Brauts, pasta salad, and tator tots
Wednesday: Spaghetti and Garlic Toast
Thursday: Chicken tenders, scalloped potatoes and green beans
Friday: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, mixed veggies and biscuits
Saturday: Appetizer day
This just help me keep motivated to stick with our menu, I don't plan on grocery shopping till after the 15th so it is nice to have a plan so I am not tempted to go to the store and spend money that I shouldn't be spending. Have a great week!!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Jaidyn Elliott
We know that her middle name is unique and that was the way we wanted it, I actually was going to name her Elliott for her first name but I changed my mind and we decided on Jaidyn, it was in the hospital that Tyson suggested we use it for her middle name!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Cameryn Paige
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Twins have arrived!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Baby Shower
Here is our family picture, soon to grow by two more :)

I love, love, love this picture, so cute!!! Uncle Dan helping Morgan with tying balloons on her shirt!!!!
Here is the amazing cake that Donna made--she is talented!!! and yes I had to change into more comfortable clothes, although nothing makes me comfortable at this point.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
First/Last Camping for the Summer
The weather was perfect!! We got up there pretty late Friday night so that was chilly, but Saturday was warm as well as Sunday morning. Morgan loved taking the dogs down to the water and throwing rocks in the water, we had to take a few trips down there to keep her entertained.
This trip I decided to let Morgan have her first Smore as well, she wasn't so sure what to think about it and picked at the marshmallow and then didn't like it when her hand got sticky.
We are hoping that September/October we will get a few more trips in, we took Morgan on her first trip when she was only 8 weeks old, but then again, it was only one baby so we will have to wait and see how things go.
Friday, May 28, 2010
7 Months Pregnancy Update
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Weekly Menu
Sunday: Chicken Kabob's and corn on the cob
Monday: Chicken Ravioli w/ Alfredo sauce and garlic bread
Tuesday: Taco's and tator tots
Wednesday: Chicken, Baked Potato's and Green Beans
Thursday: Pork chops, Rice and Corn
Friday: Carne Asada
Saturday: BBQ Ribs and chopped potato's
Sunday, May 9, 2010
My Menu
Sunday: Carne Asada w/ grilled veggies
Monday: Spaghetti and Sausage w/ garlic toast
Tuesday: Sloppy Joe's with mini tator tots
Wednesday: Chicken, noodles and corn
Thursday: Breakfast for dinner (one of my all time fav's!!!)
Friday: Chinese food
Saturday: Tilapia w/ grilled veggies and rice
6 1/2 months Pregnant
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Weekly Menu
Sunday: Whole Roasted Chicken, Au gratin potatoes, and Corn on the Cob
Monday: Kielbasa w/ mushrooms and onions, noodles and green beans
Tuesday: Pork Chops, Rice and Corn
Wednesday: Taco's and tator tots (cinco de mayo day)
Thursday: Chicken, Noodles, and mixed veggies
Friday: French Dips and french fries
Saturday: BBQ (something, just not decided yet, either brauts, burgers, etc....)
I will update some pictures here soon of me and Morgan. Have a great week!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Weekly Menu
Sunday: Carne Asada, Grilled Peppers and Onions and Mexican Rice
Monday: BBQ Pork Chops, Noodles, and Corn
Tuesday: Hamburgers and French Fries
Wednesday: Breaded Chicken, Rice, and Green Beans
Thursday: Baked Potato, Chili, and Mac n Cheese (what we call W.T. night)
Friday: BBQ Beef Roast in crock pot
Saturday: Out to dinner for my birthday :) yeah for date night!!
I am really enjoying the weather and hope it continues to stay this way, I really want to BBQ more and will be looking for new recipes, I will post anything that comes out as a successes in case if anyone wants to try it at home!! Have a great week!!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
22 Week Ultrasound
Baby A weighs around 14 ozs, everything is looking great with her. Baby B was the active one this time and she weighs around 15 ozs. So they are almost a pound each, I can really feel them moving now and they are very active. Both babies are breach, which is fine because I am having a scheduled C-Section anyways since I had one with Morgan.
They did say that I have the best type of twins there are to have because they have separate sacs and separate placenta's, so we can get the longest gestational age out of them. I didn't get any pictures this time around, but next time I will ask for some. Also the machine's are pretty high tech so I might see if they can get a 3D picture for me, since they should be plumped up by then.
All is good here, I am starting to feel more sore and wake up quite a bit to go to the bathroom at night, I am getting pretty big, in fact I have to break down and go and buy a few essential clothing items, even my pajama pants are getting tight!!!
I will keep everyone updated!!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sunday: Steak, potatoes and Corn
Monday: Taco's, Beans and Mexican Rice
Tuesday: Spaghetti and Garlic Toast
Wednesday: Chicken Pitas, Pasta Salad and Crispy Crowns
Thursday: Tilapia, Rice and Green Beans
Friday: ??? maybe order out, maybe go out
Saturday: BBQ something (we have to grocery shop)
Like I said, I will be updating after our monthly ultrasound on Thursday!!!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
20 Weeks
We had an ultrasound done when I was 18 weeks and we found out that we are having 2 more girls!!! Yup a household full of girls is what is in store for us, Everything looked good at the ultrasound, the babies were progressing right on target. They did say that there was a little fluid on Baby B's brain, but that it was perfectly normal and it will go away. I am set right now to get my ultrasounds once a month unless needed otherwise, so I will have plenty more updates. I definitely "feel" more pregnant than 20 weeks, by that I mean my joints hurt, my back hurts, walking far is getting hard, etc....but again, overall I feel great!!