In October we traveled to MN to visit with my parents, I didn't get that many pictures unfortunately as our batteries kept dying in our camera and we just didn't buy new ones. This time it was fun because we were able to take Morgan to a few things that we couldn't do last time. We went to the Mall of America and Morgan got to ride on her first carousel ride, she wasn't sure what to think about it, but I still think she had fun 
Morgan even got to visit with her newest cousin Brayden 
she was still really small for most of the rides, so we had to improvise and put her on this ride, she really liked it:
we also took her to the Zoo, it was unreasonably cold and snowing when we were there so we didn't get to do any of the outside stuff at the Zoo but she still had a great time. Here she is staring at the Monkey's, they were a hit!She had a great time playing with my parents dog, it took her a few days to get used to being somewhere new, but I think she had fun!!
Here she is cuddling with grandpa:
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