So for those who don't know Morgan started teething really early and got 8 teeth-four on top and four on the bottom starting at 6 months, then nothing for months, well this month her molars are coming in, poor girl is getting 3 right now, two on top, one on each side and one on the bottom!! These last two weeks have been hard, as she has been in pain!!
When Morgan teethes she also gets a runny nose!! Since her nose has been running so much and draining to the back of her throat she has an awful phlemy cough!! They are finally starting to break thru so I know that we are almost thru it, I just feel so bad for her!! Here is a picture of her drooling at her best!!
Here is a video of her walking:
Here she is standing, saying "look no hands"
She has started talking more as well and she says Dada, Mama, Hi, Abbie (one of the dogs) Owie and I am thinking Molly (the cat). I am not sure where she learned Owie, but everytime she would have a big cough she would say it!!!
Here is video of her saying Abbie:
Poor little girl....teething is NOT fun. Shane has never been a happy camper when teeth come in. :(