I meant to do an update on Cameryn and Jaidyn at their 1 1/2 year check up, but I just ran out of time! I can't believe that 19 months have already gone by. I am getting super excited for this summer as we will be able to go camping with out having to worry about them crawling in dirt and all of that!
Cameryn Paige:

She doesn't have much hair, but I keep trying!
Weight: 28 lbs (estimate)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: Straight and blonde
Favorite Foods: Strawberry's, Peaches, Oranges, Spaghetti, Bread, Cheese, Breakfast Sausage, oh did I mention cheese---she would eat it all day every day if I let her.
Questionable Foods: Chicken (she ate it in a casserole, but if it is plain she won't--unless it is a chicken nugget), and eggs
Favorite Things: toys that require construction (blocks), chasing her sister, bath time, shoes, and drinking out of a straw
Personality: When she is happy, she is happy, when she is not, she is all DRAMA, will have the biggest meltdown (usually when I take something from her that she shouldn't have, or her sister steals her toy).
Jaidyn Elliott:

She has been crinkling her face a lot lately...love it!
Weight: 24 lbs (estimate)
Eye Color: Hazel--they changed from blue to hazel
Hair: Curly, curly, curly and a brownish blonde color
Favorite Foods: Grapes, Peaches, Spaghetti, Yogurt, Cheese, potato chips, goldfish, cheese puffs(she would eat these all day if I let her, they don't get them very often, it is just a treat)
Questionable foods: eggs, she will sometimes eat them, sometimes not. Other than that she will eat what ever we put in front of her!
Favorite things: Chasing her sister around, bath time, trying to get dressed her self, Elmo, standing on things--she is a monkey, if she can climb it she will.
Personality: She is just a sweet cuddly girl. Doesn't melt down too often, loves to giggle and laugh, but HATES her diaper being changed.
We still have to girls getting speech therapy, they have come a long way! They will sign "more" and Cameryn signs "all done". Jaidyn is saying Mama and Dada and daaa (dog) and dd (dirty). Cameryn is not consistent with Mama but she will say it from time to time, she says Dada, Daaa (dog) and dd (dirty). Even though they are not "talkers" they follow direction really well. They are really into hugging and kissing each other as well, I hope this is a trend to continue and that they will be best friends!!