Just when I get one schedule down with the girls, it changes again! I am starting to transition them into having a "lunch". I am hoping this schedule sticks a little bit so that we can just make gradual changes as we go along. Lately the girls have been waking up at the same time over the past few weeks and it is earlier than before. But with this consistency I am able to keep up with a schedule.
615-630: Cameryn and Jaidyn wake up (Morgan has been joining us the past few days but I am hoping she returns to her 730 wake up time)
630-7: Feed babies and change diapers
7-8: Enjoy some coffee, maybe watch the news, play with the girls, if Morgan is up then I am getting her breakfast and she usually watches Curious George
8-815 Feed babies Oatmeal and fruit
830-I take a quick shower
845-9: Bath babies (every other day)
9-915 Put babies down for nap
915-945 Clean kitchen, living room, start laundry, etc...
945-1030/11ish: Every other day Morgan takes a bath or Play with Morgan, puzzles, coloring, play outside, etc. I also squeeze an early lunch in for us during this time.
11-1115: Change diapers for babies
1130-12 Lunch time for babies, either a fruit or veggie, followed by puffs or baby mum mum crackers
12-1 Play time with all three girls
1-130 Feed the babies a small bottle and change diapers again
130- Put babies down for nap
130-330/4ish: Play one on one again with Morgan. Since it has been warm we do about an hour and a half out side and then come back in to watch cartoons or more puzzles.
4-430 Prep dinner if needed, babies are usually up so I will change their diapers, then go back outside to play if the weather is nice
445: Daddy is home! My favorite part of the day because then I am not alone!
445-530: Hang out with Tyson and catch up
530-545: Feed Babies dinner, Cereal and a veggie
545-630: Finish cooking dinner and eat
630-715: Feed babies small bottle, get them in the pajamas
715-730: Put babies to bed for the night (unless it is done earlier depending on how long they have napped for), during this time we also are getting Morgan in her pajamas and letting her pick out a show to watch, or color time
745: Morgan goes to bed
8-815: Make Tysons lunch and coffee for the next morning
815: AHHHH Relaxation time!
Again, I don't get a lot of time during the day to go and do stuff otherwise it just messes with their schedule way too much, however if I do I prefer the morning time because usually the babies will nap during the car ride and the shopping trip and that way I am guaranteed for them to take a good long nap in the afternoon, which then allows Tyson more time with them rather than putting them to be an hour after he gets home. I am hoping to transition them to staying up more than 3 hours and get to like a 12-3 nap time, then I can start getting Morgan back on naps only when she needs them. After looking at this schedule now I know why I get so exhausted when I finally get to sit down and watch TV!