Here is my menu for this week. We actually stuck to our menu everyday last week except for Saturday since we again had an impromptu get together with friends who brought over pizza for us.
Sunday: BLT's, macaroni salad and potato salad
Monday: Chicken Alfredo (new recipe), salad and garlic bread
Tuesday: Smoked Mozzarella w/ artichoke and garlic sausages (new to us, Jamie bought them), roasted potatoes and baked beans.
Wednesday: Rigatoni w/ spaghetti sauce, garlic bread and salad
Thursday: Fried Chicken strips, noodles and corn
Friday: Carne Asada, veggies and potatoes
Saturday: BBQ Hamburgers, fries and BBQ Beans
I am hoping our weather starts to get warmer so we can do all this barbecuing. The cold has to go away sometime right?? Have a great week everyone!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
My Menu
Here is my menu for the week, it was nice not having to sit down and plan it out today since I did the whole month last week. We did really well sticking to our menu everyday last week but Saturday we had a spur of the moment BBQ so we cooked Chicken rather than Fish so that is on this weeks menu.
Sunday: Tilapia w/ lime and salsa marinade, homemade scalloped potatoes and corn
Monday: Chili Chicken Enchilada's (new recipe), Spanish rice and salad
Tuesday: Pork Chops, noodles and green beans
Wednesday: Hamburger Beef Tamale casserole (another new recipe), salad and rolls
Thursday: W.T--Chili, Mac n Cheese and Baked Potatoes
Friday: BBQ Beef in the crock pot, homemade potato salad, baked beans
Saturday: BBQ Day--maybe hot dogs, sausages, chorizo, something like that.
Have a great week everyone!
Sunday: Tilapia w/ lime and salsa marinade, homemade scalloped potatoes and corn
Monday: Chili Chicken Enchilada's (new recipe), Spanish rice and salad
Tuesday: Pork Chops, noodles and green beans
Wednesday: Hamburger Beef Tamale casserole (another new recipe), salad and rolls
Thursday: W.T--Chili, Mac n Cheese and Baked Potatoes
Friday: BBQ Beef in the crock pot, homemade potato salad, baked beans
Saturday: BBQ Day--maybe hot dogs, sausages, chorizo, something like that.
Have a great week everyone!
Monday, May 16, 2011
My Menu
Last week I wasn't very inspired to cook, but since I went grocery shopping this weekend I have found my inspiration back. Prior to the shopping trip I made my menu for the month up, usually I do it after I shop but I wanted to be able to get all the stuff I needed for the month in that one trip so I didn't have to run out and pick stuff up during the week. I didn't do so well with sticking to the menu last week, and we didn't try any of the new dishes, so I have added them to my menu for the month.
Sunday: Spaghetti and garlic toast (we needed a big batch for our freezer since we were getting low)
Monday: Chicken Kabobs Corn on the cob and Salad
Tuesday: Carne Asada, veggies, and potato rounds
Wednesday: Kielbasa w/ caramelized onions and mushrooms, cous cous, green beans and salad
Thursday: Beef Fajitas, refried beans, and spanish rice
Friday: BBQ (not sure what yet)
Saturday: Tilapia, roasted potatoes and corn
I put alot of BBQ stuff on here so depending on the weather the menu might change, but I really hope is starts to get nicer out!! Have a great week everyone!
Sunday: Spaghetti and garlic toast (we needed a big batch for our freezer since we were getting low)
Monday: Chicken Kabobs Corn on the cob and Salad
Tuesday: Carne Asada, veggies, and potato rounds
Wednesday: Kielbasa w/ caramelized onions and mushrooms, cous cous, green beans and salad
Thursday: Beef Fajitas, refried beans, and spanish rice
Friday: BBQ (not sure what yet)
Saturday: Tilapia, roasted potatoes and corn
I put alot of BBQ stuff on here so depending on the weather the menu might change, but I really hope is starts to get nicer out!! Have a great week everyone!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
New Schedule
Just when I get one schedule down with the girls, it changes again! I am starting to transition them into having a "lunch". I am hoping this schedule sticks a little bit so that we can just make gradual changes as we go along. Lately the girls have been waking up at the same time over the past few weeks and it is earlier than before. But with this consistency I am able to keep up with a schedule.

615-630: Cameryn and Jaidyn wake up (Morgan has been joining us the past few days but I am hoping she returns to her 730 wake up time)
630-7: Feed babies and change diapers
7-8: Enjoy some coffee, maybe watch the news, play with the girls, if Morgan is up then I am getting her breakfast and she usually watches Curious George
8-815 Feed babies Oatmeal and fruit
830-I take a quick shower
845-9: Bath babies (every other day)
9-915 Put babies down for nap
915-945 Clean kitchen, living room, start laundry, etc...
945-1030/11ish: Every other day Morgan takes a bath or Play with Morgan, puzzles, coloring, play outside, etc. I also squeeze an early lunch in for us during this time.
11-1115: Change diapers for babies
1130-12 Lunch time for babies, either a fruit or veggie, followed by puffs or baby mum mum crackers
12-1 Play time with all three girls
1-130 Feed the babies a small bottle and change diapers again
130- Put babies down for nap
130-330/4ish: Play one on one again with Morgan. Since it has been warm we do about an hour and a half out side and then come back in to watch cartoons or more puzzles.
4-430 Prep dinner if needed, babies are usually up so I will change their diapers, then go back outside to play if the weather is nice
445: Daddy is home! My favorite part of the day because then I am not alone!
445-530: Hang out with Tyson and catch up
530-545: Feed Babies dinner, Cereal and a veggie
545-630: Finish cooking dinner and eat
630-715: Feed babies small bottle, get them in the pajamas
715-730: Put babies to bed for the night (unless it is done earlier depending on how long they have napped for), during this time we also are getting Morgan in her pajamas and letting her pick out a show to watch, or color time
745: Morgan goes to bed
8-815: Make Tysons lunch and coffee for the next morning
815: AHHHH Relaxation time!
Again, I don't get a lot of time during the day to go and do stuff otherwise it just messes with their schedule way too much, however if I do I prefer the morning time because usually the babies will nap during the car ride and the shopping trip and that way I am guaranteed for them to take a good long nap in the afternoon, which then allows Tyson more time with them rather than putting them to be an hour after he gets home. I am hoping to transition them to staying up more than 3 hours and get to like a 12-3 nap time, then I can start getting Morgan back on naps only when she needs them. After looking at this schedule now I know why I get so exhausted when I finally get to sit down and watch TV!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Mom of Three
This was my first mothers day with 3 kids. I really wanted to try to find a place to go to a nice mothers day lunch but realistically, taking Morgan out to a restaurant can be stressful at times and I really didn't want to have to deal with that on Mothers Day. So my request was to be able to sleep in, which I did till 815! We had planned a brunch with our neighbors but that ended up not happening so instead we went out and got cheeseburger's. I had been wanting to try a new fast food place here called Iceberg so that was where we went, and for the price I have to say the burgers were pretty good, but I am still a Five Guys fan.
It is weird to still think I have 3 kids....2 years ago I would of said two but really I am just tripled blessed. I couldn't ask for any easier babies. Morgan was always easy as a baby, but now that she is 3 we are going thru a lot of challenges with her, but when she is sweet, she is super sweet and how can you deny this smile!

I love that I have had the opportunity to stay home with the girls this time around and I really wish I was able to do that with Morgan. I feel so proud when they finally reach a milestone and I guess that is what being a Mom is all about.
Next year I think I am going to plan a little time away for myself, maybe a movie or a pedicure. I just really wanted to stay at home this year with my family and have some good family time.

I LOVE it when Cameryn smiles like this

I even got a present that I had been wanting for a long time! I got a new dutch oven, I know it seems silly but I am obsessed with kitchen items so they did good on picking it out. Morgan even picked the color! I even used it that night to make pulled pork for dinner! I have a ton of new ideas for cooking with my new toy and I am super excited about it!

Now to planning a wonderful Fathers Day for Tyson!
It is weird to still think I have 3 kids....2 years ago I would of said two but really I am just tripled blessed. I couldn't ask for any easier babies. Morgan was always easy as a baby, but now that she is 3 we are going thru a lot of challenges with her, but when she is sweet, she is super sweet and how can you deny this smile!
I love that I have had the opportunity to stay home with the girls this time around and I really wish I was able to do that with Morgan. I feel so proud when they finally reach a milestone and I guess that is what being a Mom is all about.
Next year I think I am going to plan a little time away for myself, maybe a movie or a pedicure. I just really wanted to stay at home this year with my family and have some good family time.
I LOVE it when Cameryn smiles like this
I even got a present that I had been wanting for a long time! I got a new dutch oven, I know it seems silly but I am obsessed with kitchen items so they did good on picking it out. Morgan even picked the color! I even used it that night to make pulled pork for dinner! I have a ton of new ideas for cooking with my new toy and I am super excited about it!
Now to planning a wonderful Fathers Day for Tyson!
Monday, May 9, 2011
My Menu
I am struggling this week making a menu only because I am sick of the same old stuff but having a hard time decided what new stuff to make. I have picked out 2 new recipes from my cookbook so I am hoping my inspiration finds me at some point this week!
Sunday: Pulled Pork (in my new dutch oven), twice baked potatoes and corn on the cob
Monday: Rigatoni w/ spaghetti sauce, meatballs, garlic toast and salad
Tuesday: Hamburger Tamale's (new recipe and in my new dutch oven), crescent rolls and salad
Wednesday: W.T---Mac n Cheese, Chili and Baked potatoes
Thursday: Chili Chicken Enchilada's (another new recipe), potato rounds and corn
Friday: Dan and Jamie's going away party, dinner at The Dutch Goose!
Saturday: BBQ (not sure what yet, maybe steak,'s up for debate
Sunday: Pulled Pork (in my new dutch oven), twice baked potatoes and corn on the cob
Monday: Rigatoni w/ spaghetti sauce, meatballs, garlic toast and salad
Tuesday: Hamburger Tamale's (new recipe and in my new dutch oven), crescent rolls and salad
Wednesday: W.T---Mac n Cheese, Chili and Baked potatoes
Thursday: Chili Chicken Enchilada's (another new recipe), potato rounds and corn
Friday: Dan and Jamie's going away party, dinner at The Dutch Goose!
Saturday: BBQ (not sure what yet, maybe steak,'s up for debate
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Morgan Jo, 3 years, 3 months and 9 days
IT'S POTTY TIME... Over the last few months we have talked and talked to Morgan about going potty on the toilet..she wanted NOTHING to do with it...except at random times, she would just go on the potty and come out and tell us even though we weren't pushing it. I really wanted to get her potty trained because I want to get her into preschool as I think that is something she will love and begin to develop some of the skills she needs minus the distraction of her sisters. So, my new approach, tell her everyday all of her friends that go potty on the toilet. I told her Reagan, Brooks, Makenna, Keaton, and cousin Maggie all go potty on the toilet.
On my birthday, April 25Th...she told me she wanted to wear underwear...I tried to not act as excited as I was so she felt like it was her idea but I was so excited!!! To flash back a few days, she would poo on the toilet but if I asked her to pee she wouldn't, I was thinking this is totally backwards, usually they have a problem going poo after they are potty trained...but then again she has always been obsessed with I was excited for her to start going potty on the toilet!!
So we had told her a while back if she went potty so many times she could get a Jessie doll, from Toy Story, so she had gone enough last Thursday that would warrant me getting the doll, I just didn't have enough time.. I tried to have the Easter Bunny get it for her but couldn't find it in any of the stores we went too.
On Monday I made it my mission to find her Jessie doll, this is 1 week after going potty on the toilet. She went pee and poo that morning, and we set off to get soon as we got home, she thru a HUGE fit because she wanted a diaper...I didn't know what to do, my first reaction was "are you kidding me" and I think I actually said that to her then I told her that she could have a diaper but I get to take Jessie away....she finally understood...
Now...she is holding her poo and when she doesn't hold it she goes in her underwear. At least she is not having accidents and going pee all the time, but really poo? She was all about poo at the beginning and not so much now. Also she REFUSES to go in public bathrooms, she says she has to go, I take her and she won't go...that is probably the MOST frustrating of the situation..
I just have to remember that this only happened a week and a half ago and that I just need to be patient and remember I am only using 1 diaper a day for her....thank goodness for going potty on the toilet! Wait 2 years from now when I am trying to potty train 2 kids!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Tuesday Talk
Here was a conversation I had with Morgan this morning. I started off because we have Jamie's jeep while she is house searching in Seattle and Tyson decided to take it to work today.
Morgan: "Mom, why is daddy taking Jamie's jeep to work"
Me: "Because he wants to"
Morgan: "Is he going to leave it at work or drive it back home?"
Me: "He is going to drive it home"
Morgan: "Why" (a new all time favorite question)
Me: "Well, how else would he get home if he didn't drive the jeep, he would be stuck at work"
Morgan: "He could walk home"
Ha ha, too funny, I don't know where this girl comes up with half the stuff she says! She is one smart cookie and that makes me proud :)
Morgan: "Mom, why is daddy taking Jamie's jeep to work"
Me: "Because he wants to"
Morgan: "Is he going to leave it at work or drive it back home?"
Me: "He is going to drive it home"
Morgan: "Why" (a new all time favorite question)
Me: "Well, how else would he get home if he didn't drive the jeep, he would be stuck at work"
Morgan: "He could walk home"
Ha ha, too funny, I don't know where this girl comes up with half the stuff she says! She is one smart cookie and that makes me proud :)
Monday, May 2, 2011
My Menu
Here is my menu for the week. Yesterday I got a new cookbook that I have been wanting forever, it was my birthday present (yes I know, I get excited about cookbooks) I got the new Taste of Home Cookbook and it even comes with a free subscription for the magazine for a year. I haven't gotten a new cookbook in a long time and I am really excited about it because it has a TON of new recipes, so I will be trying some of them out soon!!
Sunday: Carne Asada, potatoes and veggies (we have this alot because it is ONE of my favorites)
Monday: Chorizo, baked beans, salad
Tuesday: Chicken, rice, green beans and salad
Wednesday: Tacos, refried beans and tator tots
Thursday: BBQ grilled Pork Chops, noodles and corn
Friday: BBQ Beef in the crockpot, twice baked potatoes and mixed veggies (I have been wanting to make this for the past few weeks and it just hasn't happened)
Saturday: Appetizers, chicken wings and few new apps from my new cookbook!
Sunday: Carne Asada, potatoes and veggies (we have this alot because it is ONE of my favorites)
Monday: Chorizo, baked beans, salad
Tuesday: Chicken, rice, green beans and salad
Wednesday: Tacos, refried beans and tator tots
Thursday: BBQ grilled Pork Chops, noodles and corn
Friday: BBQ Beef in the crockpot, twice baked potatoes and mixed veggies (I have been wanting to make this for the past few weeks and it just hasn't happened)
Saturday: Appetizers, chicken wings and few new apps from my new cookbook!
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