Here is my menu for the week, even with all the craziness we had with Cameryn being sick I did a great job sticking to the menu, on Friday I picked up a pizza rather than cooking beer can chicken, I was worn out from the week and really didn't feel like cooking!
Sunday: Beer Can Chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, gravy and rolls
Monday: Goulash, salad, and biscuits
Tuesday: Pork Chops, noodles and green beans
Wednesday: Rigatoni w/ spaghetti sauce, garlic toast
Thursday: Brauts, pasta salad and baked beans
Friday: Short Ribs in the crock pot (I am going to try to make Fridays my crock pot day that way I can get it done in the morning and then I don't loose motivation to cook)
Saturday: Carne Asada, veggies and potatoes
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
A Scary Day
Yesterday was by far my hardest day as a mom with all 3 kids not feeling well, today was by far my scariest day as a mom!
As you know from my previous blog Cameryn has been fighting a fever the last few days...I took her in on Tuesday and by the time I got the Dr. appointment her ibuprofen had kicked in and she didn't have a fever anymore, they still checked her ears, nose and throat along with her lungs and they checked for the H1N1 virus which came back negative. I was told to watch over the next two days and if it wasn't better to call in and make an appointment
Last night sometime in the middle of the night I had to get up to give Jaidyn her pacifier back, on the way out of the room I felt Cameryn's head and she was hot. I decided that she would wake me if she needed medicine. She had gone to bed at 7 pm that night and didn't wake up till 830 today!
As soon as I took her out of the crib I could tell she still had a fever, I fed her and she inhaled her bottle (she hasn't been eating at all), I took her temp and it was 102.9, so I gave her some more ibuprofen and let her play on the floor, she normally LOVES this time but today she only lasted 20 minutes. I put her back in the bouncy and she was fast asleep, not even 1 hour after waking up!
At 10 am both Jaidyn and Cameryn woke up since that is their normal breakfast time for oatmeal and fruit, so I fed them, Cameryn again inhaled her food, I was thinking this was a good thing, she is getting her appetite back. She immediately fell asleep again in the swing while I took a quick shower. We then ran some medicine down to Tyson, he had forgotten his mucinex pills to help with his cold so we brought it down to him. She slept the whole way down but woke up on the way back, I could hear her giggling, so I thought great, she is coming back to her normal self!
We got home, I made Morgan lunch and decided to feed Cameryn a bottle, this was at 12 noon, again, she inhaled it. After the feeding and burping I was holding her and I noticed her hands were blue and cold to the touch! I changed her diaper and her feet were blue and cold to the touch, her temp was 101, I gave her some more Ibuprofen and I called the Dr. office to just check on her hands and feet. They said that we had to come in and they could get us in at 150, so I made the appointment. In the meantime I was trying to get Jaidyn fed and changed and put down for a nap. At 1 pm I checked on Cameryn again (as I had JUST gotten Jaidyn somewhat content in the swing) and she was HOT!!! I took her temp and she was 105.1! I was so scared and such a mess, I even broke down crying not knowing what to do!!!
I called Tyson right away and told him that she was that high and that the Dr. appt was at 150, I then called the Dr. office to see if I should take her to the ER, even though by the time I got the kids loaded up and drove to the hospital, which is right next to the Dr office, it would be my appt time, the nurse said to just come in to the appt. By the time we got there Cameryn was all RED, from head to toe and she was on fire!!!
Her temp was 104.5, the Dr came in and checked her ears, she had a hard time with her left one she said because she was so warm the wax was melting everywhere, she did see an ear infection in her right ear. She said because her fever was so high she wanted to give her a shot of an strong antibiotic right there rather than waiting for the oral medication to start working. She said that we would have to come back tomorrow to check her other ear and then they will decide if she gets another shot or starts on the oral medication.
I think both Tyson and I were a bit relieved because she was so warm I was thinking they were going to hospitalize her, but thankfully that wasn't the case! About 2 hours after getting the shot her fever was GONE! She is still fussy, but at least we don't have to worry about the fever for now!
I knew something was wrong from the get go, however sometimes ear infections just show up even if your seen 2 days prior! I just feel bad for my happy baby as she has not been happy the last few days!!!
As you know from my previous blog Cameryn has been fighting a fever the last few days...I took her in on Tuesday and by the time I got the Dr. appointment her ibuprofen had kicked in and she didn't have a fever anymore, they still checked her ears, nose and throat along with her lungs and they checked for the H1N1 virus which came back negative. I was told to watch over the next two days and if it wasn't better to call in and make an appointment
Last night sometime in the middle of the night I had to get up to give Jaidyn her pacifier back, on the way out of the room I felt Cameryn's head and she was hot. I decided that she would wake me if she needed medicine. She had gone to bed at 7 pm that night and didn't wake up till 830 today!
As soon as I took her out of the crib I could tell she still had a fever, I fed her and she inhaled her bottle (she hasn't been eating at all), I took her temp and it was 102.9, so I gave her some more ibuprofen and let her play on the floor, she normally LOVES this time but today she only lasted 20 minutes. I put her back in the bouncy and she was fast asleep, not even 1 hour after waking up!
At 10 am both Jaidyn and Cameryn woke up since that is their normal breakfast time for oatmeal and fruit, so I fed them, Cameryn again inhaled her food, I was thinking this was a good thing, she is getting her appetite back. She immediately fell asleep again in the swing while I took a quick shower. We then ran some medicine down to Tyson, he had forgotten his mucinex pills to help with his cold so we brought it down to him. She slept the whole way down but woke up on the way back, I could hear her giggling, so I thought great, she is coming back to her normal self!
We got home, I made Morgan lunch and decided to feed Cameryn a bottle, this was at 12 noon, again, she inhaled it. After the feeding and burping I was holding her and I noticed her hands were blue and cold to the touch! I changed her diaper and her feet were blue and cold to the touch, her temp was 101, I gave her some more Ibuprofen and I called the Dr. office to just check on her hands and feet. They said that we had to come in and they could get us in at 150, so I made the appointment. In the meantime I was trying to get Jaidyn fed and changed and put down for a nap. At 1 pm I checked on Cameryn again (as I had JUST gotten Jaidyn somewhat content in the swing) and she was HOT!!! I took her temp and she was 105.1! I was so scared and such a mess, I even broke down crying not knowing what to do!!!
I called Tyson right away and told him that she was that high and that the Dr. appt was at 150, I then called the Dr. office to see if I should take her to the ER, even though by the time I got the kids loaded up and drove to the hospital, which is right next to the Dr office, it would be my appt time, the nurse said to just come in to the appt. By the time we got there Cameryn was all RED, from head to toe and she was on fire!!!
Her temp was 104.5, the Dr came in and checked her ears, she had a hard time with her left one she said because she was so warm the wax was melting everywhere, she did see an ear infection in her right ear. She said because her fever was so high she wanted to give her a shot of an strong antibiotic right there rather than waiting for the oral medication to start working. She said that we would have to come back tomorrow to check her other ear and then they will decide if she gets another shot or starts on the oral medication.
I think both Tyson and I were a bit relieved because she was so warm I was thinking they were going to hospitalize her, but thankfully that wasn't the case! About 2 hours after getting the shot her fever was GONE! She is still fussy, but at least we don't have to worry about the fever for now!
I knew something was wrong from the get go, however sometimes ear infections just show up even if your seen 2 days prior! I just feel bad for my happy baby as she has not been happy the last few days!!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Bug Time
Well, after months and months of no sickness it has finally caught up to our family! With the kids not being in daycare I have noticed quite an improvement in sickness, it seemed with Morgan when she was in daycare she was sick all the time. This time the culprit of the sickness I would say was Tyson and I. We both started getting a cough last week, Tyson however had it a lot worse. He had body aches, fever, not wanting to eat etc. He had limited contact with the girls as I didn't want them to get sick, but I however have to take care of them during the day so I guess there was chance they would catch it!

Over this last weekend Cameryn just wasn't herself. She was fussy, didn't want to play and just wanted to be held which is NOT like her at all. Yesterday afternoon when she woke up from her morning nap, I picked her up to feed her and she was HOT! I immediately checked her temp and it was 103.9!!! I tried to feed her and she wanted nothing to do with it at all.
I called the Dr office and they wanted her in that day so we made an appointment for 4 pm. I was going to take Morgan over to my neighbors to play so I didn't have to deal with 3 kids all by myself at the Dr office, as soon as I was going to take her over she felt really warm. Her temp was 101!!! So she came with as I didn't want her to get Keaton and Makenna sick.
Abbie was protecting her, I think she knew something wasn't right!
We went to the appointment and her fever was down at that point since I had given her some Ibuprofen earlier, ears checked out okay and they even checked her for H1N1 but that came back negative. Now we just have to monitor her and if she has fevers for the next 2 days then we have to go back for another check.
As soon as we got home from the appointment her fever starting climbing up again!! I checked Jaidyn and sure enough she had a slight fever of 99.2. I fed them some dinner, got them in their pajamas, we ate our dinner and I tried to give them each a bottle but they wanted nothing to do with that again. They had barely napped all day so I set them in their bouncy seats, gave them some ibuprofen and they were OUT in 5 minutes at 645 last night! Morgan was the same, we got her in her pajamas read her books and she was out by 705 last night. I have never had all three girls down this early before, so I was preparing myself for a middle of the night wake up, but guess what Jaidyn slept 12 hours straight, Cameryn slept 13 hours straight and well Morgan came to our room at 130, got her moved back to her bed at 2, she came back at 430 and wanted some water and then slept till 8!
This morning things are getting better, Cameryn still has a fever but it is at 101.8 right now, she has ate some and has been a sleeping machine! Morgan is still at 100 and Jaidyn is doing great! I have set upon my self to disinfect everything in this house so hopefully we can get rid of some of the germs! I am hoping this is it for us and the sickness, I guess it is better we all got it at the same time rather than to keep passing it to each other!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tuesday Talk
Yesterday I told Morgan that Jo, Jason and Hailey were coming by for a visit and to have dinner with us, this is how the conversation went:
Morgan: "Who is coming over?" (after she heard me tell Tyson they were on the way)
Me: "Jason, Jo and Hailey are coming by to play and have dinner"
Morgan: "I am going to be shy"
Me: "You are? Why, you have played with them a bunch the last few weeks"
Morgan: "Yea, I am going to be shy"
Morgan: "Who is coming over?" (after she heard me tell Tyson they were on the way)
Me: "Jason, Jo and Hailey are coming by to play and have dinner"
Morgan: "I am going to be shy"
Me: "You are? Why, you have played with them a bunch the last few weeks"
Morgan: "Yea, I am going to be shy"
Sunday, February 20, 2011
My Menu
Here is another menu for this week, I did a pretty good job sticking to last week, but with Tyson getting a nasty cold some of the things changed so we are going to have them this week.
Sunday: BBQ Baby Back Ribs, potatoes and salad (we didn't have this last week since Tyson was sick and not eating much, I didn't want to waste the ribs)
Monday: Taco Soup
Tuesday: Pulled Pork, scalloped potatoes, corn and rolls
Wednesday: Some kind of beef recipe, I want to find a new one and we have a ton of round and chuck steak so it will be one of those when I find a recipe I want to try
Thursday: Stir fry, rice and egg rolls
Friday: Beer Can Chicken, noodles and green beans
Saturday: Appetizers--Zesty and Teriyaki chicken bites, potato skins and little smokies (we didn't have this last week since I went out to dinner with my friend Jo and sister in law Jamie)
I hope everyone has a great week!!!
Sunday: BBQ Baby Back Ribs, potatoes and salad (we didn't have this last week since Tyson was sick and not eating much, I didn't want to waste the ribs)
Monday: Taco Soup
Tuesday: Pulled Pork, scalloped potatoes, corn and rolls
Wednesday: Some kind of beef recipe, I want to find a new one and we have a ton of round and chuck steak so it will be one of those when I find a recipe I want to try
Thursday: Stir fry, rice and egg rolls
Friday: Beer Can Chicken, noodles and green beans
Saturday: Appetizers--Zesty and Teriyaki chicken bites, potato skins and little smokies (we didn't have this last week since I went out to dinner with my friend Jo and sister in law Jamie)
I hope everyone has a great week!!!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
7 Months
Check out the teeth!
See all of her hair? Crazy!

Jaidyn Elliott, boy she has changed a bunch! She is getting happier and happier everyday, she is still by far our "serious" baby and always has a look on her face that she is observing and trying to understand what is going on. She is weighing in at 15.4 lbs and is just a tiny little peanut, she can still fit in some 3 months size clothes! I think she is just going to be a tiny kid. She as well is rolling all over the place but doesn't really push up on her hands yet. She also prefers cereal and food over a bottle. She is getting a TON of hair already, more than any of my other kids had at this age, and it is looking dark so far, so she might have Tyson's color of hair. She does well with sleeping but that girl has an internal alarm clock, every morning at 5:30 she wakes up, I can usually get her back to sleep with a pacifier but she is usually up between 6:30-7:15 am, I think she does this cause she gets me one on one for usually an hour! She is also our loud one, she squawks and makes all kinds of noises. She has discovered her hands and feet and will play with them for hours! She hasn't even started cutting teeth yet and I am a bit scared for when she does since she tends to be our "fussier" baby, but we will get through it!
Here is Jaidyn's "serious" look
When we brought the girls home, I thought I was going to be totally overwhelmed, and yes I am at times but for the most part I really do enjoy taking care of them all day long. I am exhausted by the end of the night but it is so worth it. I have to say It is definitely a different bonding experience raising them compared to Morgan since she went to daycare full time after 3 months, I just wish now I could of stayed home with Morgan!
I do believe we have some of the easiest babies that we could ask for and I can't wait to continue to watch them grow and develop!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Flashback Friday
These pictures are from two years ago, they make me smile every time I look at them!
Starting to try to walk
Messy eater, still loves her spaghetti to this day though!
Being silly with her sock!

Sunday, February 13, 2011
My Menu
Here is my menu this week, I haven't picked out any new recipes yet, so it may change depending if I find something I want to try.
Sunday: Carne Asada, grilled veggies, potato's and salad (we didn't have this last sat like planned)
Monday: Kielbasa w/ caramelized onions and mushrooms, noodles and corn
Tuesday: Big Spaghetti Batch day in the crock pot, garlic toast and salad
Wednesday: Chicken, rice and green beans
Thursday: French Dips and Tator Tots
Friday: BBQ Ribs, twice baked potatoes and mixed veggies (didn't have this last week as well as we went to dinner at a friends house)
Saturday: Appetizers, Chicken bites, potato skins, mozzarella sticks and little smokies.
Have a great week everyone!!!
Sunday: Carne Asada, grilled veggies, potato's and salad (we didn't have this last sat like planned)
Monday: Kielbasa w/ caramelized onions and mushrooms, noodles and corn
Tuesday: Big Spaghetti Batch day in the crock pot, garlic toast and salad
Wednesday: Chicken, rice and green beans
Thursday: French Dips and Tator Tots
Friday: BBQ Ribs, twice baked potatoes and mixed veggies (didn't have this last week as well as we went to dinner at a friends house)
Saturday: Appetizers, Chicken bites, potato skins, mozzarella sticks and little smokies.
Have a great week everyone!!!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
My Menu
Here is my weekly menu, I was able to find a new recipe that I am going to be trying on Wednesday so I am excited to try it out! Have a great week everyone!!
Saturday: Carne Azada, Spanish rice and veggies
Sunday: Appetizers for the Superbowl, Chicken wings, meatballs and stuffed mushrooms
Monday: Pork Chops, rice and corn (we didn't have this last week)
Tuesday: Fried chicken strips, scalloped potatoes, mixed veggies
Wednesday: Crock pot Enchiladas (this is the new recipe)
Thursday: Tilapia, noodles and green beans
Friday: Steak and twice baked potatoes (we were trying to go out to dinner for Valentines day w/ friends but weren't able to find a babysitter so we will treat ourselves to some steak)
Saturday: Baby back ribs and potato rounds
Saturday: Carne Azada, Spanish rice and veggies
Sunday: Appetizers for the Superbowl, Chicken wings, meatballs and stuffed mushrooms
Monday: Pork Chops, rice and corn (we didn't have this last week)
Tuesday: Fried chicken strips, scalloped potatoes, mixed veggies
Wednesday: Crock pot Enchiladas (this is the new recipe)
Thursday: Tilapia, noodles and green beans
Friday: Steak and twice baked potatoes (we were trying to go out to dinner for Valentines day w/ friends but weren't able to find a babysitter so we will treat ourselves to some steak)
Saturday: Baby back ribs and potato rounds
Friday, February 4, 2011
Flashback Friday
These are from 1 year ago
Hanging out with Grandma, she paid a visit to help after I had gallbladder surgery

Hanging out with Grandma, she paid a visit to help after I had gallbladder surgery
Me 16 weeks pregnant with the twins
Playing w/ grandma's phone
Making us laugh, she did this on her own!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Jaidyn Elliott
At Jaidyn's 4 month checkup our doctor was a little concerned regarding Jaidyn's upper leg muscles and how tight they were, she informed us that at the 6 month check up she would check again and if they were still tight then we would have to take her to a physical therapist for a diagnosis and to see if she will have to attend any physical therapy sessions. She had said it is a sign of possible cerebral palsy and that it could affect her walking where she would walk heel to heel. We of course got scared right away but she reassured us that it very well could just be because of her being 4 weeks early.
Over that last two months I noticed that she also always arches her back when you pick her up and won't relax her arms either. So on our 6 month check up I mentioned this to our doctor and she decided to go ahead and send us off to a physical therapist.
On Tuesday we took her to the physical therapist office and I have to say that place was really sad and scary and immediately put us on edge. They do all kinds of therapy at that office and some of the kids coming in really opened our eyes that we are blessed to have such healthy children. I don't know how those mom's could do that everyday as they were very very challenging kids!!!
After her evaluation we got the best news ever!! There was nothing wrong with her, meaning she didn't have cerebral palsy!!! Nicole the therapist said that she feels that she is just underdeveloped in her muscles since she was 4 weeks early and that it will get better! We were so relieved to know that everything was fine with her and we won't have to go back. We were told to keep an eye on her and if she doesn't start crawling then we may have to go back. I think both Tyson and I can now breathe a little easier knowing that she won't have these challenges!!
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