Here is my weekly Menu, the weather has been really nice the last few days and it is going to be for the next so we are going to take advantage of that by using the BBQ as much as possible.
Sunday: Carne Asada, Grilled Peppers and Onions and Mexican Rice
Monday: BBQ Pork Chops, Noodles, and Corn
Tuesday: Hamburgers and French Fries
Wednesday: Breaded Chicken, Rice, and Green Beans
Thursday: Baked Potato, Chili, and Mac n Cheese (what we call W.T. night)
Friday: BBQ Beef Roast in crock pot
Saturday: Out to dinner for my birthday :) yeah for date night!!
I am really enjoying the weather and hope it continues to stay this way, I really want to BBQ more and will be looking for new recipes, I will post anything that comes out as a successes in case if anyone wants to try it at home!! Have a great week!!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
22 Week Ultrasound
I had my 22 week ultrasound this week, I am going to be be getting an ultrasound every month of my pregnancy and it may eventually become twice a month. Everything looks good, I had them double check and you could CLEARLY tell that they were both girls.
Baby A weighs around 14 ozs, everything is looking great with her. Baby B was the active one this time and she weighs around 15 ozs. So they are almost a pound each, I can really feel them moving now and they are very active. Both babies are breach, which is fine because I am having a scheduled C-Section anyways since I had one with Morgan.
They did say that I have the best type of twins there are to have because they have separate sacs and separate placenta's, so we can get the longest gestational age out of them. I didn't get any pictures this time around, but next time I will ask for some. Also the machine's are pretty high tech so I might see if they can get a 3D picture for me, since they should be plumped up by then.
All is good here, I am starting to feel more sore and wake up quite a bit to go to the bathroom at night, I am getting pretty big, in fact I have to break down and go and buy a few essential clothing items, even my pajama pants are getting tight!!!
I will keep everyone updated!!!
Baby A weighs around 14 ozs, everything is looking great with her. Baby B was the active one this time and she weighs around 15 ozs. So they are almost a pound each, I can really feel them moving now and they are very active. Both babies are breach, which is fine because I am having a scheduled C-Section anyways since I had one with Morgan.
They did say that I have the best type of twins there are to have because they have separate sacs and separate placenta's, so we can get the longest gestational age out of them. I didn't get any pictures this time around, but next time I will ask for some. Also the machine's are pretty high tech so I might see if they can get a 3D picture for me, since they should be plumped up by then.
All is good here, I am starting to feel more sore and wake up quite a bit to go to the bathroom at night, I am getting pretty big, in fact I have to break down and go and buy a few essential clothing items, even my pajama pants are getting tight!!!
I will keep everyone updated!!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Here is my menu for this week, we have another ultrasound on Thursday so I will make sure that I update that. Have a great week!!
Sunday: Steak, potatoes and Corn
Monday: Taco's, Beans and Mexican Rice
Tuesday: Spaghetti and Garlic Toast
Wednesday: Chicken Pitas, Pasta Salad and Crispy Crowns
Thursday: Tilapia, Rice and Green Beans
Friday: ??? maybe order out, maybe go out
Saturday: BBQ something (we have to grocery shop)
Like I said, I will be updating after our monthly ultrasound on Thursday!!!
Sunday: Steak, potatoes and Corn
Monday: Taco's, Beans and Mexican Rice
Tuesday: Spaghetti and Garlic Toast
Wednesday: Chicken Pitas, Pasta Salad and Crispy Crowns
Thursday: Tilapia, Rice and Green Beans
Friday: ??? maybe order out, maybe go out
Saturday: BBQ something (we have to grocery shop)
Like I said, I will be updating after our monthly ultrasound on Thursday!!!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
20 Weeks
Well I am now half way through this pregnancy and I have to say that I feel pretty good. My heart burn has started, which I can't stand, but other than that I feel great. At my 16 week checkup I had only gained 5 pounds so I was told that I should add just a little bit more calories in my diet to try to put on some more weight, so at my 20 week appointment I found out that I successfully done that and gained another 9 lbs, so I am up 14 pounds and 20 weeks to go.
Now we are just trying to get things ready for them to come, we haven't even started their nursery yet, time is really flying by with this 2ND pregnancy, more than it did with the 1st!! I will keep the updates coming!!
We had an ultrasound done when I was 18 weeks and we found out that we are having 2 more girls!!! Yup a household full of girls is what is in store for us, Everything looked good at the ultrasound, the babies were progressing right on target. They did say that there was a little fluid on Baby B's brain, but that it was perfectly normal and it will go away. I am set right now to get my ultrasounds once a month unless needed otherwise, so I will have plenty more updates. I definitely "feel" more pregnant than 20 weeks, by that I mean my joints hurt, my back hurts, walking far is getting hard, etc....but again, overall I feel great!!
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