Here is my weekly menu for this week, stay tuned as I will be posting a 20 week pregnancy update later this week!!
Sunday: Chorizo's, baked beans and salad
Monday: Beef Lo Mien Stir Fry and Egg Rolls
Tuesday: Hamburger Beef Steaks with Onions and Mushrooms Gravy, (new recipe), Egg Noodles, Beans
Wednesday: Salsa Chicken (another new recipe), Corn, Biscuits
Thursday: Pancakes and Sausage
Friday: Steak, Potatoes and Shrimp (Happy Anniversary to us!!)
Saturday: Birthday party at neighbors house.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Weekly Menu
I didn't post a menu last week because both Tyson and I had come down with a horrible cold, and I am also sad to say we are still fighting it!!! However we do feel much better that we did last week, we really didn't stick to a menu because of our cold so we ate really random stuff for dinner, but now that we have gone grocery shopping we are back on track for this week and here it goes:
Sunday: Baby Back Ribs, Potatoes, and Green Beans
Monday: Chicken, noodles and corn
Tuesday: Chili, Baked Potatoes and Mac and Cheese
Wednesday: Pork Chops, rice, mixed veggies
Thursday: French Dips and Tatar Tots
Friday: Taco's
Saturday:Appetizers--wings, taquitos, and little smokies
Sunday: Baby Back Ribs, Potatoes, and Green Beans
Monday: Chicken, noodles and corn
Tuesday: Chili, Baked Potatoes and Mac and Cheese
Wednesday: Pork Chops, rice, mixed veggies
Thursday: French Dips and Tatar Tots
Friday: Taco's
Saturday:Appetizers--wings, taquitos, and little smokies
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Weekly Menu March 7th-13th
Here is my weekly menu for this upcoming week!! We went grocery shopping today for the next two weeks plan of a menu. I think it is nice cause it keeps us on track at the grocery store and we don't "splurge" as much which can be more of a waste of money.
Sunday: Chili--making a big batch in the crockpot, and cornbread
Monday: Breaded Chicken, noodles, and green beans
Tuesday: Taco's and Tator Tots
Wednesday: Kielbasa w/ mushrooms and onions, rice, and corn
Thursday: Chili Dogs and fries (leftover chili)
Friday: Maggie's Birthday Party (niece)
Saturday: Appetizers
Stayed tuned for another blog!!
Sunday: Chili--making a big batch in the crockpot, and cornbread
Monday: Breaded Chicken, noodles, and green beans
Tuesday: Taco's and Tator Tots
Wednesday: Kielbasa w/ mushrooms and onions, rice, and corn
Thursday: Chili Dogs and fries (leftover chili)
Friday: Maggie's Birthday Party (niece)
Saturday: Appetizers
Stayed tuned for another blog!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
My Menu
Thanks Jessica for the great idea of staying motivated by posting my menu for the week!! I look forward to yours every week to get ideas so I hope my helps out a bunch. We don't have leftovers a lot because we eat them for lunch but if we do have a bunch then we do eat them the same week.
Our weekly menu:
Sunday: Turkey dinner, stuffing, cheesy potatoes and corn
Monday: Sloppy Joes, Tator tots and macaroni salad
Tuesday: Out (moms last night in Boise)
Wednesday: Spaghetti and garlic toast
Thursday: Pork Chops, Rice, and Corn
Friday: Pizza (Papa Murphy's--cheap :))
Saturday: Wings and Fries
This Saturday is our shopping trip for the 2 weeks with our menu, I will post our upcoming menu for next week this coming weekend!!
Our weekly menu:
Sunday: Turkey dinner, stuffing, cheesy potatoes and corn
Monday: Sloppy Joes, Tator tots and macaroni salad
Tuesday: Out (moms last night in Boise)
Wednesday: Spaghetti and garlic toast
Thursday: Pork Chops, Rice, and Corn
Friday: Pizza (Papa Murphy's--cheap :))
Saturday: Wings and Fries
This Saturday is our shopping trip for the 2 weeks with our menu, I will post our upcoming menu for next week this coming weekend!!
Surviving Winter
I know it has been a long time since I have updated my blog, with working 40 hours a week, and having a very active toddler, it takes a lot for me to be able to donate time to the computer when I could be catching up on other things. Now that I am home for a few days recovering from having my gallbladder out I have a few free moments to update.
In this post I am going to update from October till now in one post so I don't have to do numerous ones, I am also going to make more of an effort to post at least 2 things a month to keep you all updated :)
After our trip to Minnesota, Halloween was here, I was so excited for Morgan this year as she could start to trick or treat. Picking out her costume wasn't a problem at all, she is infatuated with monkey's so it was easy. I made a huge batch of Chili and we had hot dogs as well, we had cousin Maggie, Aunt Jamie and Uncle Dan come over for some trick or treating with us and our neighbors and I have to say I am surprised at how well they did as well as how long they lasted. Here is some pictures of Halloween.

November was pretty uneventful for us, we just worked and played at home preparing for the holiday season, nothing much happened for the month for me to report on.
December came Morgan's 2ND Christmas and I was very excited for her!!! Starting on December 6Th we found out we were expecting another child!!! We were very excited to add to our family. We had a pretty mellow Christmas as well, just wanted to keep it low key, we spend Christmas eve with my brother in laws family at his cousins house, then we had Christmas morning with Tyson, Morgan and I, then we headed over to Uncle Dan and Aunt Jamie's for brunch. Morgan really got into opening presents this year so that was a lot of fun!!

In December what I thought was morning sickness, which consisted of side pain and vomiting turned out to be gall stones in my gallbladder, in fact the report said "numerous" of different shapes and sizes. I met with a local surgeon to go over my options especially since I was pregnant, Dr Giles I have to say is the best surgeon ever and I would recommend him to anyone I know!!! He went over all the options and told me that I could choose to wait till after the pregnancy but I would have risks of the stones moving to my pancreas, which could cause early labor, after Tyson and I talked about it we decided to go forward with the surgery, we just had to wait till I was in the 2ND trimester so that the organs were fully developed. Surgery was scheduled for February 24Th.

I have officially gotten my gallbladder out and everything went well with that, I was really slow moving the first few days and had some vomiting and soreness but now i am slowly getting better, it is easier for me to pick Morgan up which is nice, that was really hard for her to understand. I am very glad that we flew my mom out here to take care of her and the house, it was nice being able to just relax and not feel bad about it since she was here to take care of Morgan. Morgan loves it too, she has a constant playmate, she can't say grandma but calls her bamba.
In this post I am going to update from October till now in one post so I don't have to do numerous ones, I am also going to make more of an effort to post at least 2 things a month to keep you all updated :)
After our trip to Minnesota, Halloween was here, I was so excited for Morgan this year as she could start to trick or treat. Picking out her costume wasn't a problem at all, she is infatuated with monkey's so it was easy. I made a huge batch of Chili and we had hot dogs as well, we had cousin Maggie, Aunt Jamie and Uncle Dan come over for some trick or treating with us and our neighbors and I have to say I am surprised at how well they did as well as how long they lasted. Here is some pictures of Halloween.
November was pretty uneventful for us, we just worked and played at home preparing for the holiday season, nothing much happened for the month for me to report on.
December came Morgan's 2ND Christmas and I was very excited for her!!! Starting on December 6Th we found out we were expecting another child!!! We were very excited to add to our family. We had a pretty mellow Christmas as well, just wanted to keep it low key, we spend Christmas eve with my brother in laws family at his cousins house, then we had Christmas morning with Tyson, Morgan and I, then we headed over to Uncle Dan and Aunt Jamie's for brunch. Morgan really got into opening presents this year so that was a lot of fun!!
In December what I thought was morning sickness, which consisted of side pain and vomiting turned out to be gall stones in my gallbladder, in fact the report said "numerous" of different shapes and sizes. I met with a local surgeon to go over my options especially since I was pregnant, Dr Giles I have to say is the best surgeon ever and I would recommend him to anyone I know!!! He went over all the options and told me that I could choose to wait till after the pregnancy but I would have risks of the stones moving to my pancreas, which could cause early labor, after Tyson and I talked about it we decided to go forward with the surgery, we just had to wait till I was in the 2ND trimester so that the organs were fully developed. Surgery was scheduled for February 24Th.
In January I was very excited to have my first prenatal Dr. appointment scheduled January 22ND, I was also anxious to talk to her about my gallbladder just to make sure that I had made the right decision. Tyson came with to the appointment as we weren't sure if she was going to do an ultrasound or not, when she told us that she was, I was relieved, I just wanted to make sure that everything was alright. I made a joke with her that we needed to make sure that there was only one in there. Well I had spoken too soon, we found out that we were pregnant with TWINS!!! Our first reaction was shock, then we we were worried about cost and cars, we are very excited but with it comes a lot more worries!! Here I am 12 weeks pregnant, already showing, who knows how huge I am going to get!
After all that excitement was over we had January which is Morgan's birthday month, I can't believe she is 2 already!!! She really started to grow up and you can see everyday changes in her!!! I was excited for her birthday and I think she had a lot of fun with the other kids that were here. We had our friends Don and Heather, their two kids, Reagan 4 1/2 and Brooks 2 1/2, neighbor Sheila with her kids, McKenna 4 and Keaton 2, Aunt Jamie with cousin Maggie 22 months and family Aunt Donna, Uncle Bob, Cousin Ryan and her husband Shawn. It was a great party!! The only thing I will do different next time is have someone make the monkey cake rather than myself as it didn't really turn out all that well, it was yummy tasting but not very pretty!!
I have officially gotten my gallbladder out and everything went well with that, I was really slow moving the first few days and had some vomiting and soreness but now i am slowly getting better, it is easier for me to pick Morgan up which is nice, that was really hard for her to understand. I am very glad that we flew my mom out here to take care of her and the house, it was nice being able to just relax and not feel bad about it since she was here to take care of Morgan. Morgan loves it too, she has a constant playmate, she can't say grandma but calls her bamba.
That is all for now, upcoming for March, we find out what were having!!! We know that our twins are fraternal, but we don't know if boys, girls or boy/girl, so look forward to that blog!!
Also Tyson and I have put ourselves on a strict budget because that is what we are going to have to be on when the babies get here. We have always made a menu but we didn't always stick to it, when we went grocery shopping we would get what we wanted then made a menu, we have decided to reverse this and make the menu then grocery shop, which will eliminate extra costs, we are allowed 1 splurge item at the store and I am also trying to cut coupons for a lot of the stuff!! So I am going to copy my fellow blog mate Jessica and start posting my menu to help keep my motivation on the menu.
I will also continue to update pictures of my huge belly as it grows, my goal is to make it till end of June prior to bed rest as well as stay pregnant for 37 weeks, I also would like to have the babies at 5 pounds and over, so I will keep you all updated on the progress of the twins!!
Stay tuned, more to come :)
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