In two weeks Morgan turns 1!!! I can't believe how fast that has gone by. She is really starting to get mobile now, she is always pulling her self up and walking along the couch and coffee table. You turn your back for a second and she is gone. There is no turning back now...We are pretty lucky that we have two very patient dogs that let her do pretty much anything to them. Abbie is definitely the "mom" of the dogs and she is always right wherever Morgan is....
Here is Morgan climbing all over Abbie
Camas is finally becoming comfortable around Morgan. Forever I think she thought she was going to get in trouble if she got too close because she would always run away whenever we put her by her or she would approach her, she is now allowing her to play with her which is great.
Grandma and Grandpa bought Morgan a walker for Christmas so she can get better on her feet and hopefully start walking soon and I have to say that she is obsessed with the thing. Last night we did 8 laps thru the living room, to the kitchen, past the entry way and back to the living room, I finally had to hide the toy so I could cook dinner (she needs help when she gets stuck), it is just so surreal to know that our baby is starting to walk!!! Where does the time go? I can't even imagine my life with out her!!
I still can't believe that Morgan is going to be 1!!! She is the best baby EVER (nah I am not partial, really I am not!!) No really she is a sweetheart, she loves to giggle, she loves to "figure things out" she gets that from Dad and she definitely looses patients easily--she gets that from Mom!!! But I wouldn't trade her for anything!!